If you were terminally ill, would you want to know?

If you were terminally ill, would you want to know?

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If you did know it wouldn't change anything.

Not if it meant navigating jap bureaucracy to build a playground.

Is mental illness from Illinois

yes so i can go do some minecraft things

They didn't really let him have the choice

ofc I would
are you a child?

Knowing you have

I wish every terminally ill person would just say fuck it and clean up the streets a bit

That was a sad film. That seen after he passed away and his coworkers vowed to carry on his legacy over sake or whatever. "Let us never forget this feeling we feel now as we strive to....."
Fade in to a few months later and they're all doing bureaucracy stuff, obviously having forgotten their promises to his legacy, themselves and each other.
So sad to see that nothing much has changed on this planet, no matter what side of the globe, even over half a century later. :-(

It's a leading infectant

In a sense, we are all terminally I’ll. You never know when you’re going to go.

Its funny because you user are like a cheese boy. I love me some cheese boys, believe me.

I would know.
I wouldn't need some faggot in a coat to run a test.

Anfo vest in the ADL headquarters is far better way to go than quietly asleep

I'd play as much minecraft as I could get away with

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I liked that scene where he's in the car with the women and totally meh about the fun he's supposed to be having

definitely. i would be free to act

I would notice?

Mentally ill is different then a cancer diagnosis.

I have the sense that I have some form of terminal illness.

I just keep slugging away at every day trying to make it til I can quit my job, (where I'm continually exposed to dangerous and toxic chemicals without PPE. In America. As a natural born citizen.). Then I'm going to quit and play video games as long as I can until I just keel over.

I've felt it building for years now. Somethings wrong inside. It's not repairable.

But my life has been suffering, shame, and failure for the most part. I'm too cowardly to blow my brains out. My attempts to pull myself out of the rut have always failed.

The only girl I've ever loved has long since forgotten me. Or worse. I'm nothing but a punchline.

Not fit for the military. Dont want to hurt anyone else. Dont want to compete to be the best. Just wanted to live a quiet life as a gentle person.

Not made for this world.

Death would be mercy.