If our elections were decided by popular vote, we'd always lose because there are more democrats

>If our elections were decided by popular vote, we'd always lose because there are more democrats
>Yea bro we'd totally win a second civil war
??? numbers mean everything in war

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The majority of people were not on the side of the American Revolution

The Democrat voters would troon out and kys immediately.

There are no Democrats.
When we vote with our wallets Woke Goes Broke.
They pay meth heads to protest.
The only metric for how many " democrats there are " is our fake ass elections.

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>numbers mean everything in war
>Hasnt watched GATE
What good are your numbers if I can sneak into your camps and kill you in your sleep?
What will you feed this massive army of city fags?
My contaminated fish and crops?
What will you quench your thirst with?
The rivers I pour decocted barrels of poison ivy into that flow your way?
The wells I will drop fox glove root into?
The abandoned bottles of water I dabbed the lids of with botulism toxin?
And one more thing faggot, what the fuck is your massive army gonna do when I night attack your encampment with lazer user and 12 lazer disciples?
Sit down boy

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Not really, most just didn’t want to fight.

you forget one major thing.
democrat hives are largely infested with groids that will immediately turn major cities into uganda if the power goes out for more than 45 minutes, or the cops fuck off.
many of them will fall to their pets. and on average lefties are cowardly and cant shoot for shit

>??? numbers mean everything in war
No, history is decided by the dynamics of social movements. The abstract quantity of people supporting one side or the other is just one factor in power struggle. The numerical fallacy is a midwit misconception.

Who cares which color the kike in power has?

There are not more democrats. There are more FALSIFIED ballots.

Liberalism exists to justify vice. Weakness, ugliness, cowardice, lazyness, etc.
The weak and sickly leeches outnumber the strong and healthy who do all the productive labor.
How hard is it to understand how this translates to a world of hardship?

Most voters for the DNC are dead voters. Some were born in the 1820's, which makes me believe that they probably weren't the ones voting on those Chinese made ballots.

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That's bad when even the Mexicans know more about what's going on in the USA than a Liberal American.

One of the best things about the electoral college, is that it makes finding fraud so much easier. You're forced to target specific hotspots in order to enact fraudulent change. So instead of having to examine the whole fucking country, we can just look at a few particular areas. The shit Arizona uncovered (that never gets talked about for some reason) is a great example.

>??? numbers mean everything in war
"Superior training and superior weaponry have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength. Well-trained, well-equipped troops can stand up to many more times their lesser brethren than linear arithmetic would seem to indicate." -- Col. Corazon Santiago, "Spartan Battle Manual"


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Republicans have all the guns tho

Tell that to the Taliban.

only 10% of the country actually fights while it becomes a spectator sport for everyone else.

We have more males, they have more females, moron.

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hot ngl

significant portion of "democrat" voters are only there for the gibs
the moment the lights go out and the store shelves are empty, any white lib who doesnt flee the urban zone quickly enough will end up on some ones BBQ spit

and when they flee to the countryside filled with the "deplorables" they have been tormenting and wishing death on, they will have a special welcome waiting for them