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Why's Chile at the bottom

Rise what? How about an old good democratisator to the kidneys?

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take that pröööötin :DDD

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Yes yes, government intervention in energy has led to a high dependency on Russian gas and QE and anual deficit aka money printing has led to inflation, what we need to solve that is more government intervention and money printing. Stonks!!

>just make it so we can't buy energy and then expenses go down lol
why are lefties so fucking retarded?

Kremlin has played this beautifully.
Love what you've done with your currency.

>cap to energy prices
How do these retards think that is possible? It’s a global energy sector

Are you retarded? That’s Czech

Well i still can't believe it was intended and they were actually planning this all along, everybody thought they're an idiots

We don't call em europoors for nothing....
These snug cunts talk a big game but all live in 12 Square meter studio apartments, don't own a car and don't have $500 to their name.
Death to the Europe. You sucked in 1776 and you still suck now.

Russia has food water energy nukes, they could literally last million years, what's are EU plans actually to destroy Russia?

Cap will just further increase Europe's costs.
None of these politicians have ever held a job in the private sector, not a product or service to their name. Just emotional graft

Be retarded, flail around and drive themselves into homelessness.

>you should be.more energy reliant and not rely gas from a potentially hostile nation
Why does the west struggle with this so much? Europe with Russia and USA with Venezuela and the middle east.

This. Absolutely no reason to care about that shithole of a continent. It's a serf continent and it's so bad that America exists.

>cap on energy prices
Yeah, that's a good idea. Just force them to sell energy at a loss. They will surely continue to just delete their own money.

k. Let me know when the people in charge have been strung up. Until then, I don't take you seriously and neither does anyone else.

Europe is a shit hole. This is hardly fucking news.

Why don't they just pass a law demanding that gas be cheap again

import even more niggers and hope they immigrate in Russia

I have hope the Slavic spirit made this one happen. Most Americans still think "The Ruble collapsed LOL Putin bad!"

>exactly as intended

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Putin was a WEF Young Global Leader in the early 90's.
This is all planned to create a global famine and a global financial collapse.