When democrats say "democracy" what do they really mean?

When democrats say "democracy" what do they really mean?

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white genocide

their control

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socialism and by socialism they mean communism.

gay tranny toddlers dancing in her districts gay bars


Child anal sex.

Woke Fascism where you trick every degenerate retard into debt slavery, pill regiments, castration, and price them out of housing and non-processed food but they think they're free because a brown woman tells them they're brave.

democracy = kike owned and operated

Communism, pedophilia, murder.
Every one of these shits is a psychopath, and should be treated as a danger to the general public under maritime laws.

I think what you mean is what does it mean when they say something is "dangerous to our democracy"
what that means is if you don't do as your told the men with guns come to make you do as your told, and democracy funtime / your vote mattering is over

>When democrats say "democracy" what do they really mean?
I just don't care anymore. MVE's RISE.

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Democracy is rule by Jews.
Fascism is rule by anyone else.

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they mean promising a power base of bioleninist mutants and a sea of imported brown people some gibs crumbs in exchange for power, that in turn grants them the ability to take ten times the amount for themselves while you end up actually paying for it all.
They will gradually subvert, ignore, distort and replace the old system of constitutional checks and balances, and eventually it will return to a caste system of complete despotism.

Democracy is retarded. It is just a system of whoever bribes most and who takes the most bribes, wins. The most unprincipled win in democracy.
You know why the enlightenment worked for a while? Not because they secured rights for normies. It lasted, because those were the rules of authority to be used themselves. They would revolt, jail or shoot people for violating those rules.
When is the last time you saw an alphabet anything protect any right? Maybe for some troon or rioting nigger to not get his skull thumped? For some politician to not get nervous over Jan. 6th selfies?
The old system is dead, it's a noble docile zombie without any teeth or power. All that remains is a perversion, the authority of the subversive Jew; of democracy.

it's occult meaning
the golden age will ensue with a true democracy of 'perfected men'; i.e. the elite transhumans and demon possessed will have a 'true democracy' in which they will rule the goyim that remain.

'he's a threat to democracy'
really means 'he's a threat to our satanic world order'

the last half hour of this film goes into it, also the works of Manly P Hall.

Uniparty totalitarianism with a puppet executive as their mouthpiece.



>When democrats say "democracy" what do they really mean?
There is a small group of "democracy-makers" and a horde of stupid plebs whose opinions don't matter unless they are wrongthink in which case they must be hunted down


>The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable’. The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another. In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using that word if it were tied down to any one meaning. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way.
From an essay that George Orwell published in 1946, just one year after WWII ended.