
Make more friends, goy! We need more leverage on you and your loved ones.

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Wtf, are zoomers so retarded so they can’t spend time with people casually? There have to be YouTube tutorials for that?

(((German state television)))

Making friends would ruin my cool loner literally travis bickle persona.

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friends are a psyop


you don't need more than 10 close friends. source: me, high test man who fucks his wife and spends time with his kids daily.

How the FUCK do I make friends when the gov first ruined my Uni socialization with their lockdowns and then right after a war hit and most of people I managed to stay in touch with fucking left the country? And people worth socializing with are stuck at home behind their screens anyway.

Liberal democracy has failed me

>How the FUCK do I make friends
On the frontlines

Absolutely This

This video is for vaxxoid retards who have always been the dregs of society that no one wants to interact with.

Unironically one of the best options right now. But there’s risk of dying so I’m opting out. After the war normies would have their camaraderie and I will get treated like an inferior

even travis put himself out there

Germans don't have friends they have cellmates

COVID lockdowns should be treated like a crime against humanity. Legit ruined so many lives.

Unfathomably based.
You shouldn't have friends, only acquaintances.

IF and this is a big IF...you didn't get fed into a meat grinder of death. You'd probably make friends or life. No guarantees how long either of your lives will be though...

This channel is the most blatant bot operation in video platform history.

You people are the only friends I need or want.

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This, it's destiny that we meet across space and time. I could wander these lands for 1000 years and not find one person I could call brother.

Can’t risk letting my family down so I’m not joining the military. Doubly so, because I personally knew some already deceased people.

That channel was alright a while ago but then it got big and started getting sponsored by (((Kill and Melinda Gates foundation))) and the like and it's 107% pozzed now.

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>dude watch this video and get fixed

Financed by mandatory media fees every household in Germany has to pay or go to jail.
Over 18 Euros each month for every household.

How do you even make friends over the age of 25? Work with retard boomers and all my hobbies are either old people or libtards and trannies wtf

not even kidding i grew up in California when it was top pic. then everyone fled starting in the 70s, and really picked up in the 90s when i was in grade school

this is just fucking tragic the world over. especially to lose such a beautiful state like ca

Liberal democracy is a disease that needs to be eradicated. Nothing but spineless pussies forever scared of what the government tells them to be scared of

that's what happens when the state shuts a country down for a few years

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is it true in anglo countries old people die alone and miserable?