White identity is death of ethnic identity

No other group has given up ethnic identity in the same way as whites have. Any Forums wants you to give up your ethnic identity which is actual blood ties that will sacrafice for you and help pair you with a woman, and exchange that for being "white", while at the same time extolling the fact that whites are the only group that has negative in group preference.
White identity is Globohomo for Europeons.

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It doesn't make sense to claim my German ethnic identity when I live in America and am against white demographic replacement in America

Why doesn't it make sense? You're giving up on all the benefits of ethno-nationalism in exchange for going on a watch list and never organizing.

It's more of an American thing. Most Americans past first or second generation immigrants eventually get mixed and fall under "white", "black", etc.

Because I don't care about only German white Americans being replaced

Could it be that America promotes this as a way to assimilate Europeons and negate ethnic-nationalism?

You can make a German-American heritage group that lobbies against migration though. You can't make a pro white group that does that.

You're talking about Americans.
American whites typically come from 5 ethnic groups.

>You can make a German-American heritage group that lobbies against migration though

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Why can't someone pick one and identify with it rather than giving up on the idea of ethnic identity in exchange for.... what?

so, identity politics ain't just for faggots? ok cool, still not interested

>German American heritage foundation
You tell me which one is going to have the time of day with an elected official. You tell me which one can lobby in a bipartisan fashion.
You won't be limited to migration, you can begin to engage in politics of all stripes. But you can't do that as the white power league.

You're right. We need more cultural balkanization to soften us up for the yellow insectoid invasion.

Ethnic cohesion and nepotisim is the foundation for all politics and business

>cultural balkanization
Yeah man, I'm sure white identity is so strong a culture that it can resist the jews and chinks

>Just give up on blood ties and the fitness enhancement it gives you, give up your ethnic identity because niggers exist

>white identity
I'm not even caught up in this. I am still at "whitey not necessarily bad".

White culture is itself malleable, the government defines what white means. What you consider non white today will be white tomorow

Whiteness is American thing, it can not be any other way, Europeans there have lost their roots and have no ethnic belonging, this was working against them and thus the idea of whiteness, more like anti blackness was created, there's no such thing as white history, Leonardo da Vinci Socrates or whoever the fuck you want to pick would be confused if you called him white, Jesus was black most likely etc.

What the fuck is white culture? Eminem?

Attached: WhiteyNotAlwaysBad.png (507x697, 7.48K)

>Whiteness is American thing
Soon to be a European thing when the EU uses it as your new ethnic identity when it federalizes. Only catch is the half Euro migrants will be considered white too...
There's a reason the EU funded millions to white nationalist AZOV camps for tweens and sent 80% of Ukraine's youth there...

Attached: azovGirls.jpg (2199x1361, 173.03K)

"Whitey" isn't an ethnic group, it gives you 0 benefit to identify as whitey. Only makes you a target. There is no in group prefrence amongst whites.

You need those meds mate, stop forgetting them

Common language and common ethnicity is how USA melded the people together and it's how the EU plans to, openly

Execpt it's race and it gets rid of all ethnic identity