Guys what the fuck

Guys what the fuck

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That's a shame.

it is what it is mate

>oh guys Im really a jew i never suspected
jew hands typed this

Looks like one of your ancestors had a weak moment while they were wandering through iberia

it's fine the ashkenazim are mostly just southern italian converts
consider yourself an honorary terrone

>catalonia memeflag
are you that albanian serbia hater or FSB anti-polish spammer?

Claim your gibs

superkike! Imagine the Hapsburg jaw on this one

Ashkenazi Jews cluster closer to the Middle East, but are put under "European" for political reasons.

I'm so fucking jealous
I've got like barely 25%

Welcome to the best club on earth!

Does Sephardic show up? Or is that just classed as Spanish & Portuguese?

should be proud. kikes are unironically based and their cultural heritage is beautiful. seething incel 4trans chuds will seethe. I’m not even a jew but just look at the beauty and history of jerusalem.

Time to go to Palestine and steal a family's multigenerational home

Oy vey, not much chance for error there. Looks like its Rabbinical training for you. Look on the bright side, you know your enemy very well and hey, Khazar milkers. Good luck former fren, see you on the field of battle.

not true they cluset very close to southern italians/sicilians/greeks than to middle easterners.
In fact, they cluster close to these groups than even to most other jews.

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Some guy made his monitor lizard submit saliva to 23 and me, results came back like 50% jewish 50% chinese. I wouldn't take that shit seriously.

Dammit, Leaf!

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Highly inbred individuals such as Jews, royalty and British people may be unsightly but they gain a certain super power that allows them to connect with their ancestors allowing them to know the exact thoughts feelings and sights perceived by their ancestors. That’s why it seems so inhuman how these fuckers keep following their agenda generation after generation. In a sense they are literally the same people.

it’s almost like the clusters are geographic and jews and greeks lived together for thousands of years.

On the plus side, you can now claim portuguese nationality.
On the negative side, you can now claim portuguese nationality.

Shouldn't it be Israel or Palestine or something? How come it's "European"?

Imagine buying a lizard in the pet shop and it turns out to be Jewish

also file a claim for the nowak residence

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Hello brother.

That is exactly what I would expect a lizard to be.

Never watched Eurovision?
Straya and Israel

Post nose pic. It's the nose that counts. I'm 10 oercent Jew but nobody ever notices.


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Not surprised, considering the flag. Maranos and cryptos are real and many of them don't know they are that.

It’s over

On a scale of A to pregnant Abby Shapiro, how large are your breasts?

Congrats mister Carlitos Goldberg ese.


>jews are litteraly terroni
kek, now I see why pol hates them so much