This is the fucking people who want kiwifarms closed down

This is the fucking people who want kiwifarms closed down.

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God bless Kiwi for being a superior information platform than National Geographic. Dwell on that shit for a few minutes. Really soak it in.

>the jew promised to make my child famous if I forced them to be castrated!

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And that's why the glowies want the Kiwifarmers gone, they are unironically more informative than journalists.

>theyre openly fucking children in front of the most heavily armed citizens in human history

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In 2016 the backlash against this censorship effort would be phenomenal. I’d love to see an exodus to tor where we could leave all the shills an glowies here and just start over again.

I thought it was..back up?

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>the government is a facilitator of industrial child fucking and openly doing it in front of a heavily armed citizenry

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It’s up and down. I hope Josh fights this until the troons devour each other with intersectional infighting.

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the fact that conservatives are so obsessed with trans shit they think one article about trans kids makes an internet forum more reliable than 100 year old science magazine is really incredible

Conservatives are so obviously correct about trans children that they are beginning to see through all of your fake retarded 100 year old propaganda that disguises itself under science.
Fuck republicans and conservatives by the way.

you stupid motherfucker, emotional bias needs no reasoning you stupid nigger, I fucking hate your guts and I wish you could be dead. I don't need no fucking Nat Geo to tell me why.

Munchausen syndrome by proxy

>national geographic isn't globohomo propaganda
You're a retarded corporate cock sucker. They are controlled by Walt Disney Inc and spew just as much fantasy.

>that fake confused clap from the fat roastie in the back

>I present to the Philadelphia Trial, exhibit A.

>n-n-no you're the one who's obsessed with trannies!!

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>groomers want to shut down a site exposing and documenting their grooming activities
makes me think, and law enforcement continues to do nothing.

Seems like a pretty based site look forward to making an account there to shit on trannies and other freaks when it's back up, stable and not invite only

I'd tap that

grooming has consequences

Has twitter EVER not sided with the pedophiles?