The petro dollar can be replaced by the solar dollar

U.S. dependence on oil can be replaced by space solar power. Why not switch?

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Europeans are going to pay 2 trillion in the coming time for energy. There is lots of money in space solar power (and lots of energy). Why are you not doing it, Americans?

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Because it takes more energy to manufacture than they produce, and constructing solar farms destroys habitats. If you want cleaner air, nuke china.

americans not making an obvious choice?!?!?!?!?
imagine my shock

>Why not switch?
Hydrocarbon energy is very easy to store compared to electric pixies, which try to escape at every available moment.

Only contenders are nuclear and some theoretical technology that doesn't exist that condenses energy into a singularity, making energy dependence obsolete.

it's the petrodollar vs the solar yuan actually

We are cutting the Amazon to make it more sunny for you guys

>space solar
A meme. Just stop fucking over nuclear for half a second. Nuclear rockets would also be a gorillion times better than our other options.

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an earthbound solar farm only generates power about half the time in the best cases.
"but user", you might say, "put that electricity in a battery and it's fine"
cool. i agree.
why can't we just burn a bunch of dead dinosaurs all at once and charge a battery then? it's because thst level of battery tech doesn't exist and renewablefags aren't interested in pursuing it


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>why can't we just burn a bunch of dead dinosaurs all at once and charge a battery then?

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>replaced by space solar power.
Lel no


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This isn't how memes work

Cause then Bill and his pm penetrating buddies will blot out the sun to get their marketshate back.

some of my memes will work

this would be funnier if we weren't burning gas so you can charge your car instead of burning gas in your car
actually no it's still funny

keep trying bro i believe in you

Within 3 years you would have massive faggy companies covering deserts in solar panels, and in addition to running out of the stuff needed to make them, they will also become retardedly expensive. Too much for the regular consumer.

Just like what happened to video cards with the whole e-miner thing.

Not if you dont improve them

Im working on it

Because the "solar dollar" is actually the "solar yuan". China makes 90% of the world's solar panels. This would just be a ploy to dethrone America through the backdoor. Fuck off, Xi.

Solar is a meme and you're still getting fucked over by corporations with most if not all "renewables".

Why haven't we started industrializing cis lunar space?
>Alphabet agencies
>Boomerized Wall Street incompetence
>Government was replaced by a globohomo junta in 2020 that's actively destroying the country, and retards still think it's a conspiracy.

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Because solar is shit. US should just stick to tidal turbines and nuclear power plants.

Petro dollar hasn't been a thing for a while since the oil shocks. Also there's thousands of steps of research and development for viable energy generation via sat nodes a billion more for dyson spheres. This sounds like disingenuous nonsense to get the idea to move off the dollar while its shooting up. Future is bright though. Only if we extrapolate the idea that we don't find something better from Nuclear fusion experiments that result in synthetic materials or gravity manipulation.

Nuclear is the only actual option. All of those are rip offs to add tax money to the pockets of friends, family, and themselves.

>space solar dolar
>solar panels in orbit catch solar energy
>energy is send to earth as a beam of energy/laser/microwaves
>basically a space death laser
>somehow other economic and military powers are going to let a single nation out a death laser in orbit

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Solar is not bad but in the Grand Scheme of Things it's auxiliary power. Like many energy solutions, it has a critical bottleneck around storage and availability. Which isn't to say that battery storage is BAD, it's just "not as scalable" on the current energy trajectory.

Modular nuclear cores are the answer.

The U.S. establishment is going crazy and starting (proxy) wars all over the world just because they are losing hegemony. The solar dollar would restore that hegemony again. No WW3 then.

>solar dollar

Honestly america is pretty stupid not realizing russia with a huge artic landmass thinking they wouldn't be the next producer of world wide energy and partnering with the arabs(who also hate the USA).

not to mention
> lose energy extracting energy from sun
> lose energy sending energy to earth
> lose energy storing in battery

the best way to store a bunch of energy is as a highly dense metallic rod but apparently that's too barbaric

>Why not switch?
Because it doesn't exist and wont without significant improvements in space infrastructure and trillions in upfront investment. Much of the basic tech to make it viable doesn't even exist yet.