Michael Burry = retarded normie

So Michael Burry from "The Big Short" who is supposed to be like America's autist or something is actually just a normie faggot who thinks that "the left are the real fascists." What a fucking joke. Lost all respect for this cuck. Really fucking mind boggling how hard it is for normies to overcome this ww2 brainwashing. It truly is a religion.

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Lmao this guy's entire life is sitting in his house and analyzing data, and he still hasn't figured it out. It's almost comical.

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Corporatism is Fascism, dumbfuck

But the left is actually fascist. The right wing is not. You guys don’t exist. You don’t speak openly or have public support. The left does. They are the fascists.

Figure what out? He's right, and you're pompous.

I know on here we see right wing as white nationalist and fascist but that’s not reality. Right wing means pro America and pro constitution. Not fascist.

>Right wing means pro America and pro constitution.

Well that shit is dead so right wing must mean something else now.

Fascism is when a nationalist government controls the corporations and prevents them from acting against the national interest. Corporatism is a word with no meaning that free marketeers and capitalism lovers made up to explain why capitalism allowed mega corps to take over the nation and turn us all into slaves doing nothing more than follow the rules of the neoliberal society (that wasn't REAL CAPITALISM goy).

Never open your fag mouth on my board again.

No it doesn’t my man. Go talk to people. Step outside and go to a bar or something. The right wing is the centrist party of reasonable logical thought now. This is a result of Overton shifting and pendulum swinging and whatever other buzzwords you wanna say. “Your party” is being taken from you because you didn’t use it anyways.

False. Capitalism is simply an exchange of goods and/or services between private owners. Government involved and it automatically becomes something other than capitalism.
I am sick and tired of people shitting on capitalism. Capitalism is white, not jewish. It is of God Himself, not the demonic kikes.

Capitalism is laizze faire economics. Live and let live. It is never about coercion, and certainly not about government.

Now, bring on the retarded fucking comments.

boomers out of control today

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I’m 28

>right wing
anything right of mao these days

> my man
You have to go back

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how is government working together with megacorporations that run media outlets (and the million other industries, including pfizer) to help rule over the people NOT fascism?

Absolutely rolled and smoked

Government allowed that, you fucking nigger.
Fascism is fucking gay. Captured, scared men will never be the best warriors. Free men willing to fight and die for what is right will always be the best. They are of the Capitalist. They are of Capitalism. Not gay ass, cocksucking authoritarianism from some State. Fuck you. You are an embarrassment.
Fascism is just a cousin to communism. At least it is nationalist. Capitalism is simply private ownership of property and the right to use that property as you see fit, regardless of the desires of the State.

it's technically corporatism

No you're literally retarded.
>Government involved and it automatically becomes something other than capitalism.
There's no such thing as people with money and power that don't influence the government to support their interests
> Live and let live.
Libertarians get the rope
>It is never about coercion, and certainly not about government.
>Now, bring on the retarded fucking comments.
You're a retard and you don't realize. That's what the saddest part is. Totally brain raped by ideology.


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he's a freemason cuck who's there to spin a narrative. He told everybody to short bitcoin and then it shot up then he vanished. Now he's back to shill some other shit move and impoverish get rich quick faggots some more.

He regularly posts satanic type shit and has posted photos of himself covering one eye. He's part of the club. No wonder he's shilling for typical two party politics.

>followed him to $geo early and made some quick cash off the buzz
>paid for 6 months of flying lessons

Michael’s alright, man.

Because people conflate fascism with authoritarians.
Stalin was authoritarian, doesn't make him a fascist.

"Racism" is any difference of opinion or nuance that the media and corporations will use with government assistance to crush. That fascism.

You're impervious to logic. Now I just call you a kike slave and laugh.

never said he didn't know how to make money. I said he's a cowardly normie faggot

But they are. Do you think anyone who is literate can look at the definition of fascist (AUTHORITARIAN nationalism) and conclude anything but leftism? Just because you hate jews doesn't necessarily exempt you from the "Jews play both sides" rule.

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people use the label often when what they really mean is authoritarian, that's all




Michael Burry dumped his entire stonk portfolio recently with the exception of one investment.
American jail industry. He sees civil unrest bout to pop off, wonder if this will play out.

No you're simply wrong. It's been explained on pol a million times over. Every thread that talks about this topic gets absolutely flooded with shills. 0% chance this is organic

Mussolini called Fascism corporatist.

The Barbarian is a Capitalist.

The Barbarian is a proud supporter of Capitalism.
He is willing to fight and die for what is his. He will fight and kill you to take what is yours. That is his right of conquest. When you exert force against his force, he realizes that all will die without some sort of compromise. But, he is still a barbarian.
Now, he has adopted laws. He is growing. He is learning.
But when some big chief comes to tell him what he can and cannot do with what is his by rights, then he clubs the chief with a cudgel and ends him. Now, he is again free of interference.
The Barbarian is polite because he knows that bad behavior will be met with teh rock and the club.
The Barbarian accepts that a man is the head of his household, that his woman is his property, and his children, too. To mess with these things is to court the rock and club.
The Barbarian does not accept any committee, nor a king or an Emperor. He doesn't acknowledge their laws, their bureaucrats, their administrators.
Those are flotsam in his path. He will sweep them aside as teh raging torrent tosses a boulder.
He lives his live acknowledging the other men in his tribe. He respects the strength and honor of his neighbors, and even his enemies.
But, he can never bow at the altar of a collective, of going along to get along, of being weak, of being a slave, of being cattle.
He will use his body to take freely of nature and craft what he can see in his mind. That is his property. It is his and his alone.
Never will he give up his free, natural state of being.

Ok? I guarantee whatever definition he was using is different from these faggots.

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boomer slave kill yourself. You will never be a barbarian. You will never be a merchant or the captain of your own ship.
You will always be the house nigger.
You will always be the slave.
You will always be the jester.
You will always be a boomer.

>Mussolini called Fascism corporatist.
Then what the fuck are we heading into now with the WEF's Stake holder capitalism, ESG. What do you call the merge of Central banks, Government and corporations?

You have nothing of value to say. You are the slave. I have already stated this. The slave is so unable to think on his own, so incapable of creating anything of value, that he can only steal the insults used by others and parrot them as a fool.

jewish rat drink all the bleach. ALL OF IT

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kike says what?

jewish hands typed this angry post.

You will never be the barbarian. YOu will only ever be the dog that licks his scraps. You will drink your master's dirty water.

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> all 4 donors of Nikki Haley’s PAC were leaked
Oh no!

I don’t know about this pic. The guy being shot looks pretty chad. And the guy with the gun legit looks like a Jew.

Considering there’s also more Jews and Jew lovers than based people - I’m having a hard time believing that photo is anything but staged.


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> doxxing is only ok when “Christian conservatives” do it!

Burry should take all his money and form a PAC to enact real change against “the real fascists”

You should take your religious devotion to fascism door-to-door and see how many are opened for you.
It's like you're shilling for everyone to speak Latin again, except it's worse than that because fascism is associated with Nazism and Nazism with Hitler and Hitler with WW2 and WW2 with "someone in my family serving against the Nazi's in WW2" and with that feelings of patriotism and pride and hatred for the enemy (fascism). You ignore their programming entirely and think everyone is as edgy as you.

Judeo-fascism and ZOG, is a big issue. Larping as a Nazi 2.0 is not going to win any converts to see the danger. One does not have to read Mein Kampf in order to be opposed to foreigners who are actively undermining your nation.

Promotion of fascism and nazism is meant to repulse people away from understanding the danger of ZOG, to associate it negatively with political movements that are extremely unpopular, viewed unfavorably and seen as threatening.

It's almost as if Jews figured out the best way to counter to criticism is to wrap it in a Nazi flag and have it parade everywhere. Edgelords took the bait. Even went so far as to support a Jewish Nazi, Weev, who is probably a federal informant and/or agent of ZOG.


I fucking hate Americans so much, death to every American inshallah