Why is there such a huge generational divide between zoomers and every generation before them...

Why is there such a huge generational divide between zoomers and every generation before them? It's like they live on an entirely different planet from everyone else. There was never this much of a divide between millennials and gen x or gen x and boomers. As a millennial I can generally get along with every generation before me but I can't even begin to relate to zoomers. What caused this chasm?

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fr fr straight bussin

Idc grandpa

First generation to live through technology from the day there were born

social media. end of thread

Zoomers are the first generation to always have the Internet in their lives

I literally mean living THROUGH technology btw

I grew up in hacker chatrooms in the 90s and they live in Discord chatrooms, not much difference to me.
Nigga culture heavily influences the zoomer, so vaping weed nonstop and participating in WWE tier social media shenanigans like rappers on iglive threatening each other with an audience watching is their entertainment. Nigga culture was rampant too in my boomer days with the rise of gangster rap so every kid was either stoned out in a Nirvana shirt or dressed like KrissKross, so same as my era.
tl;dr they're the same just more isolated, nobody goes out becase scamdemic and smartphones

There's a huge difference between IRC and discord. With IRC everyone was anonymous, there was no video or audio chat, and nobody used their real identity anywhere on the internet. The internet was a fun escape from reality for us, for zoomers it IS their reality.

Porn and algorithms vacuumed their brains.

This guy looks super gay

They don't have analog TV. Analog TV worked even with small or built-in antennas, didn't require a user account and everyone watched the same things such as McGyver, Buffy the vampire slayer, Malcolm in the middle, The Love Boat etc.


no, everyone saw this coming when millennials accelerated faggotry like a drag racing funny car. of course the next crop would be a congealed concentrated version of that. the only question now is whether zoomers' children will be the ultimate omega faggots, or will nature snap them out of it and reinstate harsh reality

They are direct descendants of actual boomers, boomer -> gen x -> zoomer, all shit

zoomer the sheer distance between early mid and late zoomers is ridiculous i cannot relate understand anything from within my own generation

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I was born in 98 so technically a zoomer, but there is a big difference in zoomers born before and after the 2000s

There is no chasm. You got old, and now see things the way olds do, like all the old people before you. History repeats, and you're another NPC who obeys the pattern.

I have interacted with many Zoomers and concluded that they generally tend to share some common traits.

This is of course not all zoomers, but many of then:

>'very online' to an extreme level, most socialising is done through social media
>comparatively unsocial in real life
>obsession with fitting in, fashion and the latest fad
>generally shallow and interested in low IQ, lowest common denominator hobbies
>woke politics
>penchant to wear mental illnesses like badges
>claims to be LGBT for attention, like it's cool
>heavy influence of black culture and behaviour
>very anti-racist, even working class white guys, because they're favourite rapper is black
>indoctrinated to see racism as the ultimate moral sin

Stop posting this Twink. He makes me harder than stone..

He’s super, thanks for asking.

forced cuckschool vaxies made them all -20iq points so they like at -20 ig rn. since social media and lib tv media made them NPCs

because they're the first gen to be raised online

In 2008, I had a motorola flip phone with snake on it and my luxury item was an ipod touch. I read my news on an actual computer.

Steve Jobs was promising a touch screen phone and I was betting it would fail because normies wouldn't even adopt blackberries so why would anyone need a full os with shitty touch input.

18yr olds today have no recollection of this era. I spent thousands of hours playing consoles and PC games and texting in my pocket and these kids seem so plugged into their faggot tech that they can't possibly be normal.

>As a millennial I can generally get along with every generation before me but I can't even begin to relate to zoomers.
You just haven't had enough exposure to them. When you were growing up you interacted with everyone older than you and got to know their worldview and generational traits, but zoomers are completely new to you so of course you find them unfamiliar.

Go find some smart zoomers and put in an effort to listen to them. You'll find a lot in common with your millenialfolk, zoomers just have a different cultural lexicon you'll need to learn in order to connect with them.

They grew up with smart devices beaming nigger culture directly into their brains 24/7 via social media. You can easily see the result of this when every previous generation had organically created their own slang terms, while all "zoomer slang" is just repurposed AAVE nigger babble.


>The internet was a fun escape from reality for us, for zoomers it IS their reality.
Now coming to a METAverse near you! Please drink verification can.