Why Do White Supremacists Claim The Holocaust Didn't Happen?

Despite there being so much evidence like in Hitler's Final Solution plans and the documents that were found after WW2 where they were planning on how to massacre so many Jews at once. How can they claim it didn't happen despite so much evidence and admission from so many concentration camp guards when they were tried?

Attached: Holocaust.jpg (1024x576, 61K)

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Post these documents then

they used to celebrate it
but now they have to deny it as a socially acceptable face saving way of whitewashing nazism

Jews would be thanking people like me if white Americans actually did save them from genocide

if it was a real historical event it would be called whatever hitler and friends dubbed it. and the word holocaust appears nowhere in any official german orders, cables, or policy directives

>so much evidence like in Hitler's Final Solution plans
Hitler had no "final solution plans." The final solution was a term used to describe the deportation of Jews from Europe.
> and the documents that were found after WW2 where they were planning on how to massacre so many Jews at once.
Not one single document alluded to genocide.

Because the holocaust makes Nazis look bad

>>"Why Do White Supremacists Claim The Holocaust Didn't Happen?"
>shows a scene from a MOVIE as evidence

What do you think the final solution was? The final solution is very well document on what they were planning to do with all the Jews they rounded up and put into camps.

Tell me more about the evidence for the Holocoaster of Death. It's my favorite Holocaust 'fact' of them all. Masturbation machines are a close second.

This too.

Attached: pols-razor.jpg (750x278, 84.22K)

>so much evidence
please I want to see it. I'm genuinely curious.

>but what have you done for me lately?

So show us one of these documents. Just one will suffice.

You're going to summon the JIDF agent with the French flag who will come in here and merely insult people while posting absolutely zero evidence of substance. He'll be here if this thread gets enough replies, mark my words.

because the nazi propagandists hired by our government after the war encouraged releasing the most ridiculous bullshit as "true stories" for the sole purpose of making it seem comically impossible for a dedicated regime to kill large amounts of people.

Attached: 1652391442697.png (354x686, 40.99K)

Found = Planted

what if i told you the holocaust was real but orchestrated by ashkenazi jews to exterminate semetic jews before establishing a nation state

Attached: pallas kot.jpg (275x183, 11.34K)

so call it the final solution. what is all this holocaust talk?

Think how easy it would be for maga republicans right now to set up camps start killing jews? They can easly dehumanize them with Tucker Carlson.

Same thing happened in Germany except they had an entire state bureaucracy supporting it.

i'd say you were retarded because there were no extermination camps

final solution =/= "holocaust"
holocaust = final solution
something isnt jiving here user

OP even writes
>so much evidence
twice. Just noticed now. Sorry I didn't read anymore of your retard kike babbling after the first few words. BTW, your pic is probably from some kike hollyjew propaganda movie.
Also, post the documents NOW

I don't speak German, so you'll have to translate and verify yourself.

Attached: docs.jpg (803x1155, 948.53K)

Also, what if I told you that the jews were indeed despised in Germany, they were definitely rounded up as subversive elements of society and put into camps, and that they were used as labor for the war effort, but that they were generally treated about as well as any other prisoner group in the world at the time for the vast majority of the war, and that it wasn't until conditions deteriorated to the point that normal Germans were starving, all logistics were bombed and crippled, the army itself was starving and not being supplied effectively, no fuel existed for the transport of goods even if the trains and rail lines were intact, that famine and typhus began to devastate the population, prisoner and civilian alike across all of Europe, and that the jews which are oft pictured as mass piles of corpses inside of a camp were victims of starvation and typhus and not a systematic and deliberate effort to exterminate them? Zyklon B would be one of the absolute worst methods for killing large amounts of people, it was chosen as one of the main "death" methods in the holocaust fable because it was irrefutably in large supply at every camp due to delousing measures. The existence of crematoriums was necessary as it is at any prison in the world today, to dispose of the dead in a sanitary fashion.

As for the "holocaust" outside of the camps (killings in the countryside taken on by the SS and others) many of these were in fact anti-partisan measures which are now dressed up as innocent civilians being murdered just as Katyn was supposed to have been a Nazi orchestrated massacre and not a Soviet one for decades before the truth was revealed. For example, jews were "rounded up and murdered" in Kiev after the fall of the city, which says nothing of the reason - reprisal for a terrorist campaign by jew partisans and Russian sappers that blew up the German staff HQ and like 100 major buildings in the city, killing hundreds of Germans and thousands of civilians.

The only proof of a mass genocide is a mass number of bodies

this is correct

ive seen schindlers list, anne frank and the boy in striped pyjamas, frankly i cant believe there are people that dont believe every word a jew says about germans given what i witnessed in those documentaries

Probe it’s true doe

I can't speak for others but there are laws against it and just that is enough reason for me to claim it.
Also it makes the Jews seethe.

They were killing children not able to work and elderly rabbis from the start though.