What are the implications of black people having extremely high rates of narcissism?

What are the implications of black people having extremely high rates of narcissism?


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>However, presenting African American men (as opposed to young white women) as the exemplars of NPD would be problematic from a variety of standpoints. Aside from risking charges of racial prejudice, a racialized depiction of NPD would shift the focus toward investigating an array of uncomfortable issues relating to racism and economic and social disadvantage that Americans seem particularly reluctant to engage
So basically our inability to acknowledge the socio economic issues surrounding black people is causing higher rates of NPD in them and this NPD seems to be related to poverty, interesting thanks for linking OP

I'm sure these academics wouldn't lose their jobs instantly for speculating it's linked to any reason other than white supremacy and systemic racism


>being poor made them narcissistic because we said it did

>uncomfortable issues relating to racism and economic and social disadvantage that Americans seem particularly reluctant to engage

Code for people don't want to give niggers even more money.

>It is possible that the positive self-views expressed by Black individuals may be, at least in part, a reaction to the stigma surrounding their group. That is, Black individuals may express highly positive self-views in an effort to protect themselves from the underlying uncertainty that accompanies their membership in a devalued group in a manner that is consistent with the psychodynamic mask model of narcissism.
Confirming my theory, based

I mean I can agree with that. They have to be narcissists because they're extremely insecure about how shitty their race is.

>Proves study correct
That's a very low IQ take from the information given

>uncomfortable issues relating to racism and economic and social disadvantage that Americans seem particularly reluctant to engage

so they get
free housing
free healthcare
free education
free food
free energy
free internet
skin advantages in secondary education and work

why are people reluctant to talk about how we arent giving them enough?

It's really more likely to be the fact that black women only value extroverted masculine aggressive men though.

and sadness

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It’s literally “spoiled kids” ….the psychology of raising entitled brats and never telling them “no” or uncomfortable truths and the applying that disaster to an entire ethnic group in a country where the media matrix amplifies the problem even further.

I doubt blacks will ever recover.

All women prefer that
>Never telling them no
None of you have any idea what you're talking bout

Attached: man-African-American-water-cooler-people-Oklahoma-1939.jpg (1600x1063, 168.98K)

Not to that extreme. Most white and asian women won't refuse to date non-thugs. Blacks refuse to even read books in case it makes them look white.

>Blacks are evil and scary and only want bad things
Once again, proving the study correct

>would be problematic from a variety of standpoints
Whenever you hear this, you know that any semblance of scientific researcher has just been tossed into the fucking garbage.

It's an objectively true statement


It's all a cope for blacks:

>In essence, this explanation suggests that being a member of a stigmatized group may serve as a buffer against adversity because members of devalued groups are able to externalize negative experiences by attributing them to discrimination or prejudice. It is assumed that this externalization of negative experiences would help to bolster or protect the self-esteem of stigmatized individuals.

How about you just choke to death nigger lover?

Unsurprising given the elevated dopaminergic centers (larger substantia nigra)
physical capabilities do often grant a greater degree of narcissism than mental capabilities as they are more easily directly convertible into psychosexual capital

Plucked straight out of your retarded nigger ass. Hence, why you're copy-pasting random unverified excerpt from the study and add
>"hurr durr it dem be proving my point"
Instead of showing raw statistics and numbers to prove your retarded point. This is why the left is losing the culture war hard.

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So treating blacks like perfect children who can do no wrong isn’t screwing them up? They can’t cope with reality. White children who are raised by parents with this mentality grow up to be impulsive fuck ups.

Blacks were far better off before the civil rights movement and decades of liberals enabling their self destructive behavior.