Skin cancer

What are the political implications of Jews poisoning us with shitty food, electronic radiation, putting shit in the water such as fluoride, etc?

Also does this look like skin cancer? (Hasn’t healed after about 2 months) I don’t want to go to a doctor so he charges me $10,000 when I can drink some whiskey and cut it out myself

Attached: 41DF93C4-9DD9-41B6-BA30-3947DFC6AC80.jpg (4032x3024, 1.68M)

I'd talk to doc, yea
Sorta looks like it OP

Fucking dammit

Not necessarily fatal bro, there are diff kinds, get it checked out. Could be some other gay shit. Just saying looks a bit cancery yea

Any condolence for you mate I think im dying of colon cancer, got hella signs lol

could always be like me and just fuhgeddabowdit

It looks like Neurofibromatosis to be honest.

Your body becomes really shitty at healing itself when you are a diabetic, you fat fucking piece of shit. Get your life in order.

You think I could just cut it out myself?

I have a six pack

A tumor is a tumor, I pull tumors out all the time
Major question we should ask is, will it make it worse
I dunno
I'd prob fuck with it with a knife, but im literally batshit mate.

if it hasn't healed in 2 months getting it removed won't be too expensive. If the labs come back clean you can figure out a few things about slow healing, it means your body is slowing down and you are not making enough blood related stuff (often bone issues) or aging. Try NAC and eating better, it's harder to heal as you get older because your cellular regeneration loses the plot so to speak.

Highest range will be $300 for a removal sans insurance. You can ignore the bills for a bit while you get the cash together if you're really broke, but if you catch it early it means no chemo or BS.


Yes. Buy a $5 dermal punch, sterilize, and send it to a lab or e-mail someone

Yeah. It could be diabetes and in that case you might want to see a doc.

it just looks like a fungus rash, is that near an armpit?

Yeah, looks like a bcc or scc, quite small still, your gp should be able to cut that out - get it done soonest. t. Me, i've had nearly 50 of the fuckers cut out, get them early.

TLDR you'll probably be OK OP just go to doctor

Are you Fitzpatrick skin 1? I'm skin scale 3-4.

Irregular and blurred, check
Not the same throughout, fainter near the top, check
Dunno, if it’s bigger than 1/4 inch add a check
Dunno, has it gotten bigger, if so add a check

You have three out of the five, maybe five out of five, diagnostic markers that it MIGHT be cancerous. I’d see a doctor (then again I live in a country with free healthcare)

>be amerimutt
>pay 10k for a check-up
many such cases

to me that looks like eczema or something related

Naw. On my thigh where I rest my phone a lot. Phone probably gave me cancer
Yea guess I better go to the doctor and cut it out so I don’t die and I can work another 40 years for Mr. Shekelberg

user, welcome to life.
wear sunblock from japan with PA++++ and avoid all skin cancers and premature aging. After 20 stuff goes downhill. You're fine. This is really isn't abnormal and some skin cancers are caused by pollution in the environment. Be sure you are not drinking the tap water, seriously. Get arrowhead delivered if you question your tap even remotely.

and if you have insurance the copay is your normal copay, don't die to something dumb. You will however if it comes back positive, be more proactive in your skin's health the rest of your life. Remember: your skin is your body's first line of defense, it keeps stuff out, once it gets in, it's your immune system. Take care of both and they will take care of you.

I literally never go out in the sun too much but I do dose vitamin d and k2 to stay healthy

Do you know if there’s any good water filters to take out all the bad shit in tap water? I hate drinking tap water knowing they put all that bad shit in it