Ukraine began Kharkiv counter offensive operation

What is with your face orcs???

Attached: FC996569-98DA-47F1-AF0D-EC0D1D4FE642.jpg (1170x1289, 774.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares anymore, bud.

Slava Ukrajini, kill all of the Russian subhumans

Attached: 0f08e51f8c9bc31561e879f860495975_XL.jpg (1170x780, 55.49K)

hoping for massive hohol casualties

Thank you brother!
Love your football players!
Warriors that never surrendered.

Attached: 8DD72AB1-414B-42F6-A153-AB7470603B1C.jpg (1200x900, 126.2K)

Sadly there will be many yes.
Attacking is bloody.

After the 27th counter offensive on the Khersonzo they realized they should change target?

so coach redpill has been in russian controlled territory this whole time?

Attached: hq720.jpg (360x202, 14.94K)

It is now obvious you are retaking Kherson, HIMARS eliminated any possibility of Russians resupplying themselves over the river, hopefully you do just as well in Kharkiv area

Éplucher et découper en morceaux 4 Golden.
sucre vanillé
Faire une compote : les mettre dans une casserole avec un peu d'eau (1 verre ou 2). Bien remuer. Quand les pommes commencent à ramollir, ajouter un sachet ou un sachet et demi de sucre vanillé. Ajouter un peu d'eau si nécessaire.
Vous saurez si la compote est prête une fois que les pommes ne seront plus dures du tout. Ce n'est pas grave s'il reste quelques morceaux.
Pendant que la compote cuit, éplucher et couper en quatre les deux dernières pommes, puis, couper les quartiers en fines lamelles (elles serviront à être posées sur la compote).
Préchauffer le four à 210°C (thermostat 7).
pâte brisée
Laisser un peu refroidir la compote et étaler la pâte brisée dans un moule et la piquer avec une fourchette.
Verser la compote sur la pâte et placer les lamelles de pommes en formant une spirale ou plusieurs cercles, au choix ! Disposer des lamelles de beurre dessus.
sucre vanillé
Mettre au four et laisser cuire pendant 30 min max. Surveiller la cuisson. Vous pouvez ajouter un peu de sucre vanillé sur la tarte pendant que çà cuit pour caraméliser un peu.

Attached: Tarte au pomme.jpg (1200x867, 1.19M)

explains alot don't it

Attached: the_defendant.png (363x430, 363.63K)


> September
> Ukraine had began yet another counter offensive
By the end of the week it will be declared a distraction, but I expect industrial amounts of cope even before that.

Attached: popcorn time.jpg (623x667, 124.41K)

Only political traitors from west can stop us now.
I fear that a lot.

Use copy paste translate.

Unidentified telegram account claims that Ukies are trying to attack in North-East, near Kharkov and Izyum (Balakleya; nu-speak "Balakliia").

As long as you have US and UK support, Germany and France do not matter

You are going to die from overdosing on hard drugs.

Didn't Ukraine pay attention to Syria? They're not counteroffensives, you're being lured into killboxes away from forts and AA.

Lets hope for that and Boris becoming nato gensec.

>political traitors from west
ukraine was never part of the west
you are nothing but worthless slavmeat attached to our anti-tank launchers to launder money to our weapons industries

Never used drugs.
I am white man after all.

UK is kill. Conservatives had elected Liz Truss. She'll be too busy making guillotines fashionable to do anything for Ukies.

Only US remains, and there'll be elections soon. Chances are, Democrats will fail to secure majority, and Biden will be castrated by Republican Congress.

Shush. Defeatism will not be tolerated.

We will see man.
I am not military grade expert after all.

Russia lost in Syria.
Pulled forces out already for the most part.
Erdogan is making power move there.

>Russia lost in Syria.
What happened to Assad?

Lol you wish in reality UK will train even more Ukrainians and Poland is already sending more weapons

On a suicide watch.

I forgot!
Yeah 10ns of thousands trained in uk mean a lot.

Nice work in temporarily occupied Berdyansk

Russianz is never defeated. If they win, they win. If they run away, they come back another day so it don't count.

What happened to the first one?

doesn't even sound that bad

>attack in Kherson
>get massacred
>attack in Kharkov
>in the process of getting massacred
What is the point of your thread exactly?

A lot of stuff is going on.
Russians will fall

I love how you think you're entitled to our loyalty. You are the most insufferable welfare queens ever.

Lol delusional

whats so offensive about Carqueef?

ukraine on 7th day of herson offensive: already took poltava, lvov, dnepr, odessa and even kYyyiv. didn't take herson yet, but it is to be expected. kharkov offensive is expected to proceed until they capture warsaw and bucharest.
ukraine is winning more than the new black avengers star wars trisexual hero, the monkeypoxxman.
sliva ukrainni. heroyiam sliva.

Attached: heroes of ukraine.jpg (1101x608, 147.59K)

Russia had always performed poorly in war but somehow always slogs through it and comes out on top. It defies logic but its true, they always somehow win lol even if its totally pyrrhic.

Ukraine stronk
