There is a tranny in my class

I dont want to share to many details, but he is about 18-20 years and looks not totally comically troon but quite close to it. The class is every day. for 2 weeks. Anyone can enter the room at any time of the day.
He is a quite active student and so far I tried to avoid refering to him other then pointing at his troon face.
Any ideas what I can do?

Attached: cut_off_dick.jpg (423x452, 16.07K)

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dress like a Roman

Ignore him and focus on the reason you're really there.

Explain please.
Btw, I saw a few trannies in rl allready. But it was never that close and uncomfortable. I didnt have to interact with those freaks.

I am the teacher and that faggot always says something
How can I make him go without getting into trouble?
I know 2 years ago a troon has asked to write an exam at a different day because he had his dick cutting surgery at the day of the exam. And I can remember it was seriously discussed. I live in a hell hole user.

>I'm the teacher
Ignore him and focus on the reason you're really there. :^)

>Anyone can enter the room at any time of the day
go at night and tape pic related to his desk, you'll have to somehow stick it somewhere only he notices it and not the professor though

Attached: 1657997230593.png (844x1022, 367.6K)

Have you already asked him what his pronouns are?
The dude wants to be seen as a she, and i will remind him that he doesn't look like one.

you can't do anything but treating it as a girl. Not worth fucking your life over it

He said his girl name during the introduction. Interestingly he didnt say his pronouns.
I honestly wasnt sure at first because he is wearing a ffp2 mask and I know some girl legitimately have wide shoulders. And I didnt see him standing. But after I saw his legs and body shape + the groomer flag on his laptop I am 100% sure.

Just butt fuck him, why are you asking for permission faggot?

it's your problem you decided to be a babysitter for retards in non stem fields.

Get a different job. Any teacher deserves the bullet for pushing global homo.

what the FUCK is going on in krautland?
I've seen albanian and croatian diaspora zoomers turn into trannies there

The idea is to cut him away from the laptop, if you wish to help. The laptop contains his coomer friends who groomed him. If you dont want to help, then do nothing. Its not worth it. Ideally you would attach a keylogger to the guys laptop, then breach his discord account to see who groomed him. Then find out everything you can, and expose them.

Keep ignoring him. They thrive on attention and without it he will eventually wither and kill itself

>attach a keylogger to the guys laptop
that's not how it works

Encourage him to chop his dick off.

You will never be a Roman, g[reek t]ranny

Attached: trans.jpg (838x1024, 225.14K)

Take a shit in his backpack and blame it on a black kid.

>Any ideas what I can do?
You can try your best to ignore, but you might want to do your research on the trans ideology fraud. The whole "girl's brain trapped in a man's body" narrative they live off of is absolutely false. It's obvious to us but not to normalfags YET (I think as troons become more prevalent in the west they'll start noticing). The only two long term studies say bottom surgery had no improvement on suicide rates. John Money's experiment on Bruce/Brenda/David Reimer failed horribly. Gender roles are deeply rooted in biology. Affirmation is a shit treatment of gender dysphoria, other methods are proven better.
So if it ever gets to the point you can't ignore him, get ready to back your arguments up. Goes without saying, DO NOT name the jew and shit like Magnus Hirschfeld.
So then even if you get fired, at the very least you will be living in the troon's head rent free and that will contribute significantly to his eventual entering of the 41%.

>non stem field
it is a stem field
I am redpilling my students on the biggest lies and missconceptions of science
what? I am not going to put that much effort into it
no black kids here, as I mentioned. STEM
arguements? lol I dont argue with people at all. Its a waste of time.

ok, maybe his wording is wrong... but with a rubber ducky, all you need is 5 seconds.
Plug in rubber ducky in his laptop when he is away, (left it unattended, no screenlock, or it won't work), let it run the scripts, you can install a remote access tool, or set up a tunnel... or dump all his browser passwords... that kinda shit.

it's possible, but you need technical know-how to make it work.