Why is everyone over 30 years old, fat?

I keep running into people around town who claim they know me but I don't initially recognise them. Then they tell me their name and i remember who they were from my schooldays. The reason that I don't recognise them is because they are all so old and fat looking now. i thought most folk tended to let themselves go much later in life rather than at 30. Why have we declined in such a way?

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Why does every bong I see have a narrow smile like this? It looks fucking disgusting

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because it takes effort to stay in shape. Not much, but more than most people are willing to give. Most people eat like absolute pigs, the portion sizes when I eat at someone else's house are just ridiculous. God forbid you suggest they go to the gym, a whole hour a day??? That's a netflix episode, how will they finish the season?

Working 40 plus hours a week and having two days off, if that, means you don't wanna run ten miles a day and eat whatever is cheaper/easy.

you don't need to run 10 miles a day, you just need to eat between 2000-2500 calories maximum. Typical American excuses

Widespread and normalised alcoholism

don't fall for the married dad bod shit, that's what you gets you divorce raped.

well, for me I just hate life and don't really care.

>flag, vassal state
moving on...

It's from onions in the goyslop. shouldn't you know this already?

>American excuses
Literally every Western country has skyrocketing obesity rates. Stop being obsessed with America and read up on basic facts.

Metabolism slows down as you age. If you eat the same as when you were a teen you will definite get fatter.

I'm 42 and in good shape.
190cm, swinging between 89-94kg

They don't cook for themselves so their diet is crappy seed oils and sugar and fast carbs which destroys their insulin response and fat metabolism.

People tend to get depressed later in life due to unfulfilled desires and such. As a result, they take to the bottle of alcohol pretty strongly and eating fast food is a similar kind of addiction. I'm still skinny like gollum, but i'm different than those people. Gaining weight has always been really hard for me. Only with lifting and eating eggs and meat do I gain more mass.

i only consume like 1400 in a day yet im a 240 lbs and considered obese for my height. Its the sugar and sedentary lifestyle that makes people fat. For fuck sakes i thought maybe not consuming more than 1k a day would make me lose weight and i could scarf down whatever unhealthy shit i want if i just ate less of it and it didnt work.

>no one is immune from GoySlop

I have some kind of brain damage that makes me not recognize people i know even my neightbours on the street or colleagues
Its embarrassing because they think i do it on purpose but its actually a condition

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Fitness and eating well seem to be more common in general in Eastern Europe than in the West. Poles for example know the value of maintaining personal health, lifting, boxing et cetera.

Basically. Even East Asia is slowly adopting Western jewish influence. It's why South Korean women are all getting tattoos, sleeping around, and have standards so high even western women are amazed.

you also produce less testosterone as you get older, which will contribute to that issue, you can try to fight it with proper diet and exercise but you have to be pretty disciplined and regular with it.

I see more fit people over 30 than fit people under 30. So many young women have FUPAs.

Prosopagnosia aka Face blindness?

Fuck man. I consume 3500 cals a day just o maintain my weight. Having high metabolism sucks if you want to gain muscle mass.

i do gomad but dont lift

They’re all on antidepressants.

They realize that they don't have to try at all as women. ALL women, no matter how fat they are, can make bank selling themselves on OF and fuck guys that are 8+/10. They have zero reason to stay in shape.

This dude is a scientific miracle
or lying

I am not fat.
They're fat because they're eating fat, and snacking all day, and sitting around and not exercising at all.


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you can get this look easy enough with high metabolism, sometimes even stronger in certain ways compared to the bulkier guys. Might have to make some adjustments though

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I’m 34 and people assume im young twenties. Autistic neoteny.

Welcome to the Phonecian Plutocracy
All for One and One for all!

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Not enough meat steaks.

almost all obese people underreport their calories. You just don't realise it. It is literally impossible to be 240lb eating only 1400 calories

Idk some medfag told me its brain damage when we were drinking this one time.
You basically see people u know on the street and its like u never seen them ppl wave at me and im like who the fuck is that never seen them in my life then later a mutual friend bitches that im an asshole.
I fucking hate this brain dmg autism but its sometimes funny as hell.

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Generations of drinking tea out of those little cups.

no im fucking serious. i limited myself down to 1 soda and one hamburger from burgerking a day thinking if i could just stay low on caloric intake i could eat unhealthy and enjoy the goyslop. It didnt work. i didnt gain or lose anything my body just refused to change or adapt to my new diet. I use to consume upwards of 3k a day from unhealthy shit then i swapped to that for 6 months and nothing changed. Near teh last two months i started including walks around my local park and it didnt do shit. Not a single pound lost.

It would work if you counted your calories accurately.

Because were all sexually repressed and we cope by eating. Women only want sex with chad.

Laziness and a lack of self-discipline. The former typically stems from the latter.

Further, people by and large are quite ignorant to basic nutrition so have a tendency to shovel all manner of nutritionally bankrupt high-sugar/carbohydrate rubbish into their mouths and often.

Combined you end up with a weak, sedentary, always-tired lump of shit with poor strength and borderline zero aerobic ability that exhibits rapidly declining bone density, organ failure, muscle atrophy, waning immune system strength and horrendous mental acuity.

I call them useless pieces of shit. And they're everywhere.

Fellow Gomad, and 5’9 is Manlet now? Is 5’10 still safe jfc

Something changes when you get older. I was able to drop all excess weight easily in my 20s just by eating slightly less and going easy on the beer. Right now i'm 33, exercise 3 times a week, haven't drank any alcohol in 2 years, probably eat healthier than the average person, and still at least 40 pounds heavier than i should be.

Self-destructive wageslave lifestyle. Alcohol, cigarettes and stress are enough to destroy most normalfags.

Sitting around makes wonders.

Gee, I wonder why. Whatever could it be. The absolute state of you Americans.

Nah, these are just retarded Jewish usurpers from the 1700s. They were nobodies before scamming overly tolerant, honest Europeans many years ago.

every other shop in town is selling fatty food, people can't resist constant grazing all day.

Stop eating goyslop

This really. Alcohol promotes excess visceral fat, when it becomes a necessity to numb yourself from the hard day's anxiety, well it's a simple equation.

my local walmart killed our towns ma and pop grocery stores where they sold freshly produced food. My only option for food is either stuffed full of preservatives or chemically altered by god knows what or fast food. Ye it fucking sucks and i didnt ask for this, nor do i have the time to start my own farm as the living conditions for a wageslave loser like me allow for such a thing. America is shit, we all know this but dont think yourselves superior. What i lack in health, you lack in freedoms. Enjoy your license.

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Its called shit genetics

I blame the goyslop they sell and just how tired people are after work, I feel the same, when I get back home I don't want to spend my time cooking.
I'd rather just pass through the corner store and buy some junk food, I just exercise self control because I know what will happen if I don't.
I went to a 15 year high school reunion this year, to be honest there were some of my former classmates that got fat and bald, but most of us looked the same as when we were teenagers just older.

Probably. I've been gaining muscle and doing cardio, and probably more physically capable than in my 20s, but with the fat.

>1 soda one burger per day
that won't do shit for it, try 1 soda 1 burger per month
then after your goy noggin adjusts to that withdrawal, 100 jumping jacks a day and shock your insoluble fats with incremental fasting and loads of water, once you start seeing the change, hit the weights and a standard regular diet for bulking(no goyslop except maybe "cheat days" once a week/month even)- it's a long road but worth it for mind and body.