Μercury poisoning

How can remove mercury from my brain ; Magnets are no solution because mercury is diamagnetic,iodine neither because it cant cross blood brain barrier. Sny other ideas?

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eat aluminum

sauna I think or a series of hot baths

but how do you remove the aluminum?

Do you really have mercury poisoning?
Or are you worried because you ate too much fish or something like that?

Has anyone tried chelation? Is it just a meme?

it will react with the mercury and be flushed out the body

olivia tremor control

It's essential, its deficiency makes people gay and fat.

I breathed mercury fumes from a broken sphygmomanometer that was in place for many days without me noticing

it wouldn't of done shit. that's metallic mercury. yes its volatile, but hardly. you can eat a spoonful and it will run straight out your ass with no long term side effetcs

the real danger is salts of mercury (i.e. mercury in a +1 oxidation state, not 0 oxidation state as for metallic mercury)

this pole knows

True, but elemental mercury vapor has 75% absorbtion through alveoles. OP should get a test for his blood and hair mercury levels

God can cure you. Ask him.

>the real danger

mebbe. mercuric chloride is up there. organometallic mercury compounds still the undefeated champs tho

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edta ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2783151/

Eat brazil nuts or take selenium and you should be fine.


Zeolite. Charged, pure and micronised. Use with care.

No real evidence he had excess mercury.
EDTA is a poison that gives you brain damage.