Can America undo it's racist past?

Can America undo it's racist past?

Attached: America was and always is a WHITE nation.jpg (2500x5000, 3.49M)

>1 post by this ID

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You might want to wait for more posts before bitching about that kind of thing, faggot.

You have to go back

I'd rather see it redo it's racist past ngl

Shut up your nigger mouth bitch.

Yes, but that's not a good idea. Because we will kill you.

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Can America redo it's racist past?

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no- because America is ruled by "oy veh my 6 gorillions" and they have taught the chimps the same grift.

I'm trying to find the lie in your picture user. All I see are based takes that are all true.

lol you stupid fuck. go back

You mean when they stopped slavery together with Great Britain?

There's literally nothing wrong with the USA being homogenous.

>If I post twice that means this isn't a slide thread.
>If I change my IP and samefag this is not a slide thread.

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What if we got rid of these chosen people?

No, you can't ever be free of racism, not even if everyone mixes because new races will emerge wherever there's genetic isolation for enough generations. Geographic isolation is what produces race in the first place, ie, allopatry. So there's no point trying to eliminate racism as long ad there will always be races.

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What's being slid, Chaim?

yes, by removing all niggers

humans are inherently racist you piece of shilling shit. have some sake and hide the fuck away.

>Geographic isolation is what produces race in the first place, ie, allopatry.
>there's no point trying to eliminate racism as long as there will always be races.
This is probably the best take I've ever heard. Good post.

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Furthermore, jews realize this. They know race will never go away. They promote racemixing for others so they can have advantage.

Attached: Soros Jews - Motivation.png (962x496, 131.9K)

It never was racist it was just business.

>it was just business.
It was for someone...

Attached: slave trade jews.jpg (1024x840, 223.19K)

The only racism we put up with on a daily basis is niggers bitching about “we beezz oppressed” and self hating anti-Huwyte Leftards