Bullying is the sole reason why western civilization is dead

Low class low IQ violent kids managed to destroy generations of kind and intelligent people, the very same people that make a civilization work. In turn they become liberals because they were never loved by their owns and somehow they get called traitors for it, something the very same people accusing them won't get over. But here is the twist, the very same bullies become ceos and politicians not out of meritocracy but out of networking, nepotism. And what do they do? They import as much third world immigrants as possible, for them there is no race, in their primitive mind they are less racist than even the most absurd liberal. That's why the west survived for so long, because of its community and humility, how do you think high trust societies work? And now we are just like any other asian country full of crime and corruption.

Attached: What could be the reason.png (620x123, 13.7K)

The eternal chad is why you're not a winner. Bag my groceries virgin.

No the sole reason is women being able to vote.

Chad is no more, now it's Tyrone who is the boss. Although you had no inhibition to destroy the weaker people he doesn't have any inhibition at all. This is the future you chose.

Bullying is ineradicable and to some extent probably shouldn't be entirely, but people who are like "it's le based" are either coping with being bullied themselves by embracing it or are, you know, sociopaths

You're black so of course you make a stupid post.

Ah forgive me I didn't see the cuck angle at first, should have taken notice of the memeflag

You say it like these people were not to face an even crueler and more indifferent world.

>cuck angle
Nope, this is the future you chose. That's how nature's law works. You betrayed your own people and imported millions. It's about time there is someone more savage and cruel than you and you don't like it now? What a hypocrite.

Yeah you can see how nigger and women culture overtook West and now white men are savagely mean to themselves too. It's very petty, animalistic muh dicking and it's only getting worse.

>extent probably shouldn't be entirely
Is that why you consume so much media that hates you?

Maybe they should try being less gay

Meanwhile the alpha chads in 'nam had gay orgies. Is that why America lost?

To salvage this gay fucking thread I'm gonna leave you with an actual kernel of knowledge relevant to it: the USA has twice the normal concentration of sociopaths and psychopaths. Ever wonder how the country got so fucked up? A lot of people here literally lack the capability to understand consequences or morality.

Should've stopped being a faggot, faggot.

There is a certain level of bullying that is beneficial and reinforces biologocal social rules, it was an evolutionary behavior meant to strengthen the weakest links in the social chain that has been turned into psychopaths torturing and abusing weaker kids into mental breakdowns and shooting sprees thanks to boomers and gen x generally being fucking useless.

Realistically we can probably pin the blame on silents for raising two generarions of lead poisoned sociopaths, but most of them aren't alive to atone for their mistakes anymore.

>Ever wonder how the country got so fucked up?
Niggers and spics?

Nope, these are the people who built the civilizations. But a north african can't comprehend that, I understand.
>the person who has a specific term called dedovschina has the nerve to call other people gay
The most closeted people, like what's wrong with you?

nah it's also letting people who are solely dependent on the government welfare programs to vote as well. women and niggers and welfare whores will only vote for things that benefit them direction either by making them feel good about themselves or monetarily. so all politicians gotta do is promise bullshit expensive and/or anti-constitutional shit or more gibs and they effectively (and legally) buy votes...with the earners money without even asking the earners if its cool.

Niggers and spics can't become a problem without flesh automatons tearing down safeguards because they only think in short term experimentation. Combine this with the double whammy of Jews all having some degree of schizophrenic paranoia and you end up with a society of mental illness.

You do realize that you can teach people without bullying them? Meanwhile with your epic societal rules it's the 80 IQ wiggesr who breed and this is now the world we live in. No more intelligent people at the top in any field, even science. Intelligent white guys either kill themselves or play video games because they can't compete with social people who would do anything to get ahead. It seems like the "people" in this thread have seen white people only in encyclopedias.

this has to be the dumbest, most retarded take on why the west fell I have ever heard in my entire life. They did not become liberals due to bullying, they became liberal due to indoctrination. teachers hold the next generation in their hands and they use that power to manipulate them into being what they want them to.
is not correct, the true originator of the wests downfall is egalitarianism, women are not equal to men just as niggers are not and never will be equal to any other race on earth.