Diet: Which ones are the meme ones?

>Food pyramid
>Low carb
>blah blah blah
Why are there so many diets if it's supposedly science?

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>Keto, Low carb, Atkins
Basically the same concept rediscovered in three different generations.

>start eating meat and cottage cheese primarily
i feel fucking amazing, physically. high energy, very focused, do not get tired at all throughout day, exertion throughout entire work shift. are vegetables a meme?

>>Low carb
All good.

Much closer to what we are evolutionarily

Just BBQ two porterhouse steaks for lunch. Was tender and juicy and delicious.

no just like your not a genetic failure and dont get auto immune reactions to yummy foods.

>low carb
>closer to evolution
I guess that's why we evolved to love the taste of sugar huh?


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>high energy, very focused,
Your in ketosis.
Some low carb veg is still a good idea. Like broccoli, or baby spinach etc

Foo' pyamit, vegan = manipulated numbers
Dukan, atkins = bit retarded

Contrasting theories, plus we are way more ignorant of the human body than any researcher would ever like to admit in truth
There are millions of different pathways and chemical reactions in the body which then subsequently branch off from the products produced there, it makes it a fucking nightmare to analyse

All diets just boil down to cutting calories. The only reason we have 1000+ different ones on the market is the diet industry is worth billions of dollars. The core of them are all the same, eat less food. The only difference is what food you eat less of and that's about it.

>why do people heroin addicts crave heroin
Anything that can regulate dopamine can be addictive

>Food cravings are linked to nutrient deficiencies.
If you're constantly craving sweets, get more magnesium, chromium, and tryptophan in your diet. These nutrients are found in whole, natural foods, such as broccoli, dried beans, liver, eggs, poultry,

>Anything that can regulate dopamine can be addictive
Yeah, and why would the brain reward you for eating sugar?
You're almost there buddy. I don't wanna have to hold your hand all the way here.

no its not that simple fren.
because differmt foods trigger differnt hormons. sugars that spike insulin will block fat burning.
after the suger/insulin crash, more cravings. i doubt anyone would lose weight if they were on a diet of bread and sugar. and they would be hungry af all thr time.

protien sasiates the most, so you feel fuller for longer. body becomes more adapted to fueling off your fat stores.

Why would heroin be a reward? It's toxic. Its not good for you.
See you missed the point.
Not everything that upregulates dopamine is good for the body

*Fuck auto correct changing regulate to regulate.

best diet - don't eat food and starve to death

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Go for it user.

No, the question is: why does it taste good? You could be 100% carnivore. If I give you a sugar cube, you will still enjoy the taste. It has nothing to do with "mineral imbalances".
Why would the body create positive taste receptors for sugar? Shouldn't it taste bad if it's bad for us? Or maybe just not taste it at all?
We have receptors for salt because salt is good for us, but we enjoy the taste of sugar because... it's bad for us?
That flies completely in the face of evolution.

We obviously evolved to be able to process carbs and fats.
Simple sugars are very easy for the body to use as energy, so body says delicious.
But they were seasonal sources like fruits would have been scarce. You also consumed them with all the fiber.
Keto allows for some berries, and paleo is fine with fruits.

They is nothing like consuming refined carbohydrates all day every day. Like bread, sugar, cereal etc we did not evolve to eat them.

You need fiber, moderate protein, and fats that don't turn solid in your arteries so nuts, olive oil, fish etc.
You consume the protein after working out.
That's it