What's your favourite revolution?


Attached: 1651777524280.png (480x270, 170.39K)

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Revolution 9 super catchy chorus.

Xbox 360

the last jewish one.

the one to come

Attached: 1647521164970.jpg (695x1024, 93.4K)


The one that gets the loaded chamber lined up with barrel pointed down my throat...

Shays Rebellion
>Fuck Boston and fuck the American aristocracy


Attached: beer-hall-putsch.jpg (600x398, 31.87K)

Why does that look fake as fuck?

moon around earth

Wow, look at all those insurrections. Can't believe glow niggers have been around for that long. Didn't these idiots know that voting in rigged elections is the only valid form of political change?

The Nintendo revolution

The one coming

80 years' war

I believe it is fake or at least heavily doctored but I'm not sure

Tiananmen protests because China won against CIAniggers.

Eh, 1900x1200.

Jacobites we're kino

Because the lighting and shadows are inconsistent. Look at the curb towards the right. Shadow is casted down on the street indicating the sun is on the right. Then look at the soldiers facing away from the cemra. A light is on their backs. The photo looks like there's two sun essentially. Its very subtle but when you see the picture, your mind goes into uncanny valley.

The risorgimento, Italian nationalist revolution of independence.
Not very well known but an incredibly interesting story. Massive whitepill too. The odds were stacked against the nationalists, but with mixture of courage, stubborn determination, passion, cunning and luck they were able to defeat the various powers that controlled the Italian peninsula.
Theres a good podcast about it

Attached: risorgimento.jpg (765x765, 260.85K)


So it's two real photos spliced together (top and bottom)?

Gay and cringe

>Theres a good podcast about it
Well post it.