I've been here about 2 years and 4 months in total. I live in the south of China

I've been here about 2 years and 4 months in total. I live in the south of China.

I won't be self-doxxing, won't be saying my job or what city I'm in. Ask anything, I will do my best to answer.

Please remember I am not Chinese, I do not support the CCP. My Chinese is not great so I am not totally in tune with the culture, but I have a decent perspective due to actually living here day to day and living my life.

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>2 years and 4 months

Lurk moar

What is covid situation like now?

I've been on Any Forums since 2007/8 I can't remember exactly

I will be leaving next summer and maybe coming back or staying in my home country to build my career, we will see. I make good money here so it's a difficult decision with my personal goals.

What's your question user I'm here to help

There many pockets of small cases across many provinces and cities in China right now.

Shenzhen has just locked down 5 million citizens because there were 30 cases in 4 or 5 districts of the city. I know people in some areas that have to go get a COVID test every single day to go to work.

In my case, I have been lucky. Avoided lockdowns for the most part, I have to get a COVID test every week. If I want to use public transport its like 48/72 hr testing, but I have a motorbike so I don't use it too often.



Does Xi really have a harem of Russian hookers, like everyone says?
Do you think they are all Putin spy’s and that one of them might try to kill him one day soon?

Whats the story about their housing markets?

Thats a paradox

Have you noticed rise in military rhetoric or anti-foreign / anti-taiwan propaganda in recent months? Do you think they will invade Taiwan after the monsoon season ends?

No idea m8, prostitution is everywhere here though. Makes Amsterdam look like a joke lol

It's a little long but I will try to give the short version

>Local govts make 40 - 60% of the GDP through land sales to developers
>Real estate makes up approximately 30% of domestic GDP
>Provides tons of jobs and revenue
>Big developers here get huge amounts of govt assistance and easy bank loans
>BRE (Big real estate) turned projects over in months-1 year, from planning to sales and then construction (many properties are bought before ever being built)
>This allows for quick and huge amounts of investment, allowing further projects
>Evergrande fucks up, defaults on some debts due to internal problems
>Govt looks into this, realises it could become a huge problem for the whole economy
>Introduces '3 red lines' policy (go look it up)
>This slows down the pace of development and therefore turnover, compounded by other factors such as COVID (both worldwide and their own harsh restrictions), the Ukraine war, worsening international relations
>Many developments just stop entirely as they can no longer be funded
>Hundreds of projects have had a large amount of the people band together and just stop paying mortgages
>Viscious cycle
>Entire real estate market now teetering on the edge

It's not just mortgages, there are several other economic and internal company factors hitting BRE all over the place.

The avg price of property in a big Chinese city, tier 1, is even more disproportionately overpriced than in the West in many places. Usually an entire family will band together to buy property, and it is the main investment of Chinese people for several reasons.

I'm sure I've missed certain things, but yeah

Whats a paradox?

I'm going for some lunch now but I will be back in about an hour to reply to other posts and questions.

>but I will be back in about an hour to reply to other posts and questions.
this thread wont make it an hour if you leave

Nigga is going to eat a pangolin.


I had spaghetti and meatballs at a place that just opened today and it was surprisingly fucking great

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What's the dating scene like as an American? Are the prostitutes hot?

Living there do you have any fear as an American with all that's going on geo-politically?

Are people friendly?

Are there many other American/Westerners living there?

As foreigner what kind of taxes do you pay on income?

A family member and his Chinese wife just moved from USA to China and had to do 10 days separated in a quarantine hotel. Looked terrible.

It’s pervasive and ever present desu, I can’t read or write Chinese, but I see it in the school kids - it’s actually quite sad desu

My workplace has talked shit before in mass meetings about my country (I can get fired if I talk bad about the company or China in general) and I went to my bosses office and told him that if I hear anymore BS I will not be attending the meetings anymore and it never happened since.

They teach the kids in school to hate Japanese people to the point of being subhuman in many ways - just like the Japanese did to their people in WW2

re-asking question:
Have you noticed rise in military rhetoric or anti-foreign / anti-taiwan propaganda in recent months? Do you think they will invade Taiwan after the monsoon season ends?

Why do you think that the Chinese are being so draconian with covid policies? Are they afraid of something?

ah shit. didnt see you answered, ty

do you think they will invade taiwan? or is it just a big larp?

>They teach the kids in school to hate Japanese
There is a Japanese subversion campaign going on in Taiwan right now.
The ruling class are larping as japanese.
Their televition channels broadcast japanese commercials.
Their textbooks are using pro-japanese propaganda.

Frankly it's probably good for the chinese that they are aware. Otherwise it's just going to end up in another Hong Kong shitshow.

Does the population actually support the CCP or does it just pretend to support it due to Social Credits and similar?

>kids in school to hate Japanese people
Hate against the actual people or against the system?
What about the hate against the West?

It's country against country.

The Japanese are trying to subvert Taiwan, just like the British tried to subvert Hong Kong wiht their gradioactive teachers unions.

kek, they are hitting the board hard tonight with all kinds of distractions.

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I mean: If they won a war and conquered e.g. Japan, would they try to win the hearts of Japanese by portraying themselves to be the liberators, who removed the capitalist yoke - or would they oppress/kill the Japanese for having been born wrong.

>>I mean: If they won a war and conquered e.g. Japan
That's a European thing / influence.

The borders between Japan, Korea, China hadn't changed for thousands of years.
So this isn't going to change anytime soon.

Why would you decide to go from Singapore to China?

You're basically went from the most advanced, clean, and peaceful city in the world with some of the highest salaries and lowest taxes to China, that shithole?

Do you prefer China over Singapore?