Nigger cop chokes, tases, and beats white man with no provocation

If the situation was reversed, niggers would be rioting.

Attached: 6346532464534.png (775x731, 880.03K)

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Blacks are filthy animals no matter what clothes they wear. What a bitch, he was scared even tho the drunk was unarmed and being reasonable trying to talk it out. Nigger went straight to taser. I say give that black a good ol fashion lynching to teach the rest of them.

When the cops are worse than the criminals.
Imagine you are paying taxes for this.
Pigs should rot in prison for life.

>reddit link
Webm that shit faggot

Many such cases.

Attached: policing.webm (480x270, 2.81M)

That’s what’s up.
Stupid cracker

big guy didn't even do anything wtf

Black cops are thugs that use the fact they are cops to beat the shit out of "suspects" usually random chimping out nignogs but sometimes a yt not behaving.

Cope. We surpassed you already Whitoid

Every time I see a nig chimp out I always say he probably said the N word don't know why always makes me laugh.

>Webm that shit faggot
let's do a basic training here, shall we?

yt-dlp -o "input.%(ext)s"

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx -b:v 256k -an output.webm

If the quality is too shit, you can bump up your 256k bit rate but that my increase file size above the 3M posting limit

Attached: output.webm (384x480, 1.43M)

turnabout is fair play.

Ur next nigger.

go look in a mirror Jamarcus

and here's a source article so you don't have to wade through all the faggot comments on reddit
I cringe just reading their shit, good god, bleach my eyes

Why is it so hard for people to understand that black people are psychopaths?

Attached: skepticalpepe.jpg (241x209, 7.62K)

that's okay. you guys can't build or maintain anything worth a damn. when whites are gone, latinos aren't going to put up with your shit. now say thank you for the generational gibs you filthy animal.

Cops are swine. They exist to protect actual criminals and the interests of evil.

>black cop beating on an older intoxicated white man for no apparent reason
>retarded white people off camera making jokes of it after the older man was tasered, beaten and fell on his head
>nobody steps in to calm the situation

This is why I support the global depopulation agenda.

Attached: 1662375777809678.jpg (739x415, 42.13K)

Didn’t know you could use YouTube downloader to dl reddit videos...


Attached: behead all satans___.jpg (1200x1604, 1.67M)

He's drunk and huge. They had to George Floyd him or he might do something irrational, like attack a bystander.

thas raysis

Attached: DBBBDE8A-C252-4A65-BD16-1DB9F954D3A3.jpg (828x216, 117.95K)

from what i see he was very chill even when nigger start beating him

>red tide

my tax dollars go to the killing of niggers by white cops. when its time or me to do more to help the cause myself i will.