Boomers believe the gravy train will never end, why do they all believe this?

Has anyone ever actually sat down and talked with those of the Baby Boomer generation? They seem to all believe the good times will never end, social security will always continue as it is now/young people should still be forced to pay into it, they believe the country as a whole demographically, financially,etc. is still like it was back in the 1960s/70s, the list goes on. Even when you bring them up to speed on the dire situation of their own country they always use the same excuse "why should I care? I'll be dead soon anyway". How can one entire generation of people be so out of touch/apathetic with what is happening in their own country? It's as if they don't even care about their own countrymen, their own children, or even their own childrens children.

What are the political ramifications of the older generation that calls all the shots in the country, has all the weath and power, sits in all the higher up positions, but is completely out of touch with what is happening in the US and I would say western Europe as well? Why is this old senile self-destructive generation still in power?

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>It's as if they don't even care about their own countrymen, their own children, or even their own childrens children.
Most of them don't.

My parents are relatively young boomers (60s). I think they know that good times are ending and that the GOP has damned us all.

I think when people generalize about boomers they are really just generalizing about GOP/right wingers.

The ageing hippy boomers are the worst
(like literally the worst theyre terrorists)
They are stil lactively selling away the nation to foreign power for cheap gardening

Let’s not forget those boomers Who admits everything is fucked but are counting on trump Q user and nesara to save them

oh you mean the "Don't worry sit back and do nothing. The system will magically correct itself" types. The levels of deslusion with those Boomers is off the charts.

Amazing how much easier it was to make money in their era and they have the audacity to tell people to pick themsleves up by their bootstraps. How about these retired old fags pick themselves up? Why do we have to pay for their social security checks?

yeah conservatives are to blame for decades of liberal progress under boomers

You stupid little fag.

They have held onto power longer than any other generation in U.S. political history
Gen X should have supplanted them long ago

I hung out with boomers all my life. The ones I knew were not well off. They lived good loves or atleast the women did. Getting to live in major cities during rich times. The guys all usually stayed at the same job or the trouble makers still had enough to buy property by the time they were in their late 20s.

I was completely disowned for saying these things recently

Liberal progress like the gutting of the social safety net? Boomers, as a whole, are also vastly more conservative on LGBT rights, abortion rights, immigration the police state, etc.

Of course that is all a generalization--there are schizo right winger millennials and normal boomers. My parents happen to be the latter.

My parents are boomers and my family makes more and has a bigger house. Neither me nor the wife have degrees. Fuckin be a man, stop whining and work for it.

It is *drum roll* [b]INTERCOURSE MAH[/b] BROTHA

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>Why is this old senile self-destructive generation still in power?
Its a tale as old as time. Saturnian gerontocracy cannibalizing the vitality and effort of the youth to further the wealth divide they spent all their lives creating.

Boomers will inherit the world after WW3.
Xommers, Millenials, Zoomers will all be drafted to wage war, and will be put to rest. In the meantime, Boomers will watch and comment. They will walk towards the rare youngsters who are not enlisted, they will frown and ask them: "Tell me young man, why are you not fighting for your country ?"
Boomers are our chastisement.

>be me
>get social security
>get medicare
>house paid off with 3% mortgage
>paid off my education loans 30 years ago
>live near college
>get to fuck zoomer girls who want money
Love to see these threads where zoomer losers are bitching about us boomers.
Don't worry, once we're done fucking all your girls we'll die of heart attacks or something, but you'll forever be left with the stain of knowing our cocks were in your wife before you.
God Bless America.

>are also vastly more conservative on LGBT rights, abortion rights, immigration the police state, etc

>Gay rights
Gay rights laws/gay marriage laws were voted in under Boomers.

Abortion rights
Abortion laws while signed in under the WW2 generation has been upheld by Boomers for a long time

You're kidding right? If they were actually serious about it there wouldn't be over 30 million illegals in the country already and are we just going to ignore how much the country has been flooded with brown people. The falling white demographics speak for themselves and it really didn't start to happen until Boomers got in charge and realized flooding the country with cheap brown skin labor legal or illegal mean more dollars in their pockets.

>Police state
The police state has heavily expanded under the Baby Boomer generation especially the
military equipment police use.

The fact you said Boomers are more "conservative" on these issues shows how little you know about Boomers and what they've done to this country. Stop talking about things you know nothing about it's embarrassing.

Don't worry anons, I have personally watched an army of surly nigger women neglect and abuse the boomers. Their ultimate fate is to live in crushing boredom and loneliness until their mind breaks and to then have their body neglected and abused until they rot while still living . Nobody goes and sees them. They are unwanted and unloved. A life, squandered , has a most ignominious end

If you’re not self employed you’re a little bitch

Well, a lot of them just offed themselves with the jew-vax.

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>Gay rights laws/gay marriage laws were voted in under Boomers.
VOTED IN? You mean imposed by the Supreme Court. Boomers and older Americans are still much more anti-LGBT than their younger counterparts

>Abortion laws while signed in under the WW2 generation has been upheld by Boomers for a long time
UPHELD BY? You mean forcibly upheld by the Supreme Court and Federal Government. Boomers and older Americans are still much more anti-abortion than their younger counterparts

Boomers and older Americans are much more anti0immigrant than their younger counterparts. They also had more kids and did less interracial marriage than their younger counterparts since y ou are a dumbshit "MUH WHITE GENOCIDE" guy

>The police state has heavily expanded under the Baby Boomer generation especially the
Glad we agree. This is heavily conservative

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death to all boomers inshallah

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Which is why the best way to live in retirement is by spending all your social security and 401k money on zoomer college girls, having them blow you repeatedly - knowing full well that one day you'll just stroke out busting a nut into her little asshole and then die with a smile on your face.

Oh boy, are you going to be upset when fascism makes a big comeback.

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>Gen X should have supplanted them long ago
all ten of us? fuck that, we prefer our alcohol and pill haze. don't harsh our mellow, man.

more like monarchic fascism but anyway