Pretty sure Twitter etc is deleting evidence of vax status

This blue checkmarked Kotaku writer wearing a facemask in his pfp has #diedsuddenly of a tear in his main artery. I spent the past 60 minutes scrolling through his Twitter feed to see of he "trusted the science" but couldn't find a single tweet about his vaccination status, although I did find a few tweets that seemed to indicate he had gotten sick a few times but they seemed to be missing context as if any previous tweets giving context had been removed.

Then the weirdest thing happened... I just suddenly reached the end of his Twitter feed in the middle of last year. There's no way this dude only has a year worth of Twitter use but everything beyond this point is just blank.

How much do you want to bet that shill admins on social media are in overdrive to cover up any tracks that connect any sudden deaths with positive vaccine history? Screenshot, archive, and document the vaccination status of EVERYONE you see so this information can corroborate their reasons for "sudden adult death."

Attached: Screenshot_20220905-191918_Chrome.jpg (1080x1695, 206.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

To be honest that check mark looks really white to me. Almost like white supremacy background. Somebody should make a swastika and white with a background the same color as the Twitter background which is blue

>blue checkmarked
Technically it's a white check mark I'm not sure how important words are to people anymore

Interesting. Bump

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I'd lose my money if I placed such a bet.

Fucking kek

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In other news finally those involved in corrupting gaming are starting to fall one by one to their injections.

Twitter only let's you scroll through x number of tweets. I used to have a Twitter account and it would only go back so far. You can still search their tweets, just not scroll back through all of them

we are at the tail end of liberal democracy thank god.

Graphene nano particles cut like a razor we are all ticking time bombs

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His 2018 condition must have returned thanks to the injections. Many such cases.
Hope all these faggots are injected.

Welp, there it is.

I knew a girl whose pancreatic cancer came out of remission after getting jabbed.

Ha this might be the first time I actually laughed out loud at someone dying from this. Well deserved.


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Safe and effective, if you want to end your life painfully.

That’s absolutely awful

>cuck vaxxie dies suddenly
feel good story of the day

So you have zero evidence?

Attached: schizot.png (600x784, 238.71K)

No evidence...?

these mystery deaths clearly are attributable to white supracism and nonvaccination

Posting this here because thread was deleted to make way for BBC spam.

Agreed but there is a good chance the vaccine was the mark.
I dont think scripture is as literal as most of the churches claim, and suspect that underlying the vaccine narrative is the most basic tests of faith that pretty much everyone on the planet was subjected to. Dig through all of the excuses and rationalization and it comes down to basically whether you put the "spirit" of this world first (possibly the antichrist), or the "spirit" of a Devine moral God.
All those fair-weather Christians that claim to be godly but folded as soon as their mortgage and social standing was under threat have clearly chosen the satanic world over their God.

In any case at this point it doesn't matter. Everyone who is going to get jabbed already has been, and the dramatic change in attitude from the authorities once everyone was jabbed also suggests their intentions have been met.

This would mean they are part of the conspiracy to commit peaceful genocide. It means they know the jabs are killing people and are hiding evidence so more people take the shots and die.

Can somebody post that profile pic? Like the full size version?

Nah they hide the evidence to delay their inevitable end. Too many are dying and its only escalating.

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