Based or cringe?

Based or cringe?

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Angry man yelling at sky

gay AND retarded

Based only trumpers got upset

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Nobody watches or even acknowledges Joe.

I like the aesthetic he was trying to go for.

Incredibly cringe. The jewish oligarchy is so toothless that they have to send a senile goy puppet to threaten me with a drone strike. By the end of the decade every Any Forumstard is going to own jewish slaves.


Based optic cringe topic.

empirically based

you are not important to be threatened specifically, inbred subhuman

The democrats don't want to talk about the economy, the stock market, the war in Ukraine, inflation, the US border crisis or LGBT2S because the democrats poll poorly on all of these subjects with the large majority of American voters.
Biden's speech was an attempt by the democrats to create a narrative to run on this election season. They want to create a monster to distract voters from the democrats unpopular positions. The MAGA threat to "our democracy" is intended to distract from the real issues and energize anyone they can in the mid terms. It also gives the media, which is wholly in the hands of the democratic national committee and the Biden administration, something to talk about besides the Biden administrations failures.
The American people rate the Biden administration very poorly on every issue that is most important to Americans. The Biden administration and their media are desperate to create an issue to run on in the upcoming midterms.
Inner city violence, the Afghanistan withdrawal, politicizing of the military, every issue is a disaster for the Biden admin

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Pretty boring, actually. Watching the MAGA schizos completely flip out on the internet has been entertaining, though.

who would of thought, biden the accelerationist. Hes gained more then a few poltards this past week

>all while threatening "subhumans" with ol Peter Paedo on live tv

Ive known more then a few democrats and independants that were rather freaked out by the whole thing

The entirety of your worthless existence revolves around disenfranchising me and then accusing me of being exactly what you are. We've had enough, which is why we're letting the economy collapse. You will not weasel your way out of this one.


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Which is why none of this is working and why everything they do just digs them into a hole. This talk only goes as far as their legitimacy, and when you don’t have the support of your own people, it doesn’t matter how many elections you rig, how many times you tell the masses to know their place, the bottom always falls out on this. Everyone compares this to the Nazis, but not even Hitler held speeches like this. The nighttime red backdrop stuff is a combination of Nazi rituals held in Berlin and the Hollywood condition of what a dictator looks and sounds like. People like Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Peron, they never did this kind of aesthetic because their entire thing was about revitalizing their nation and better days ahead. This atheistic is for the regime these people eventually overthrow, the ones hanging to their power with white knuckles, trying to say “there’s nothing you can do” as the walls close. The walls are closing in, it has nothing to do with Trump, but their own incompetence, hubris, and delusions of grandeur.

this is a guy who can get things done. Thats why we'll win and magachuds will lose. Ends justifies the means, except it.

-t. former maga user turned Any Forums biden bruh after getting a taste of power...



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This is very true, Biden is doing more for us than Trump ever did. I really hope they fix the midterms. I want to see people in the GOP polling at 60% lose by 1,000 votes and it makes no sense. I want to see them completely overthrow their mark and make out the most obvious rig ever and I want it to be without Trump in the election. They want to fix your election so they have power and can continue pricing you out of everything and dominating your life, not to just get rid of a populist symbol. I really hope these retards do it and go all the way, drunk off their perceived power.

It's difficult to determine exactly who this speech appealed to.
Independents, Bernie Democrats, and even far-left commie and anarchist types detest Biden and cringed at this display.
Who is the remainder speaking and listening? Establishment Democrats, and quintuple-vaxxed people who still trust legacy media (propaganda) and actually have the capacity to hold its content in high regard.

This. I used to be the average Trump supporting chud back in 2019 (oldfag) but the chads on Any Forums convinced me to ride with Biden