Post an opinion and I'll say whether I think it is based or cringe

Post an opinion and I'll say whether I think it is based or cringe

Attached: unnamed.jpg (600x400, 30.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

OP is a faggot.

whose opinion would you like? personally, I think they're all shit



Opinions, not facts

The covid vaxx doesn't work
Getting the booster is retarded

One time I rescued a wasp from a batch of water hoping it could kill some bees and destroy all of humanity

Memeflags should be automatically ignored. You're either a kike/chink/cianigger or you're not proud of the shit hole country you come from.

There will be a global race war soon.

Hapas arent the bad people you think they are.

Christ is king

OP should let us bang his mom.

what's a batch of water?

worshiping jews is cringe

A world where National Socialists have won would certainly be better than this timeline, but there are still better alternatives.

Your opinion doesn't matter and this thread will be strewn with herbs.

Extremely cringe, banging an obese jew whore is disgustinfg

fpbp OP is a faggot

Divinely Based And Blessed

Attached: I Bellive In The Farther Almighty.jpg (554x1024, 94.36K)

Niggers tongue my anus

A batch of water is some weird tube to heat water for people in their home

but they have big milkers, just let me titty fuck her and I won't tell anyone else about this

water tank?


Attached: Atheist Free Thinker.jpg (254x321, 15.51K)

But doesn't the word batch imply the creation of something?.. how do you make water?

Global warming is actually a good thing since the world is actually about to start another ice age. We need more cars and cow farts not less.

post pic of said contraption or you are a massive faggot

Kek wait.... bath?

I should commit suicide immediately

The entirety of North America must be bathed in nuclear fire.

No wait until we find out if he meant bath...

Yeah basically idk why I said a batch of water, I think its because its a word in french too but in english it may mean something else
The batch is just where water is kept the word tank is better like user said

I think you mean batched...

video games, capeshit and nigger culture were a mistake.
Social media is a cancer upon society.

You think wrong.

I think you are a 1 post memeflagot slideshill and ill herb your thread.


Eugenics will save humanity. This isn't an opinion by the way.

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Lol fuck you are quick eh?

Kevin Hart is sexy

Based. What does it mean tho

most women are a waste of time today, your reward for playing with them is to become broke or broken.