Federal reserve

Just read that although the name contains the word "federal", the federal reserve is not a federal agency. Discovered that it is a conglomerate of "federal" state banks. The funny thing is when I try to research who owns these "federal" state banks I can't get a straight answer. It's as if no one really knows. If these banks are privately owned, who owns them?

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Man, just wait until you learn about FedEx

The secrecy is the point just like with ESG

what does female angus smell like? dont tell me shit because it isnt true

Fed is a private company, despite it being the biggest company in America. It isn't required to share its private info. Interesting that. If you really want to know more about it, I can give you a link.

Centers for disease control is a for profit international corporation

It’s a trade secret, dumbass!

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Citibank& JP Morgan own the NY Fed;

"The big reveal for year-end 2018: Citibank, the No. 1 institution on the roster, held 87.9 million New York Federal Reserve Bank shares – or 42.8 percent of the total.

The No. 2 holder stockholder was JPMorgan Chase Bank, with 60.6 million shares, equal to 29.5 percent of the total. In other words, the two banks together control nearly three-quarters of the regional bank’s capital shares"


Now figure out who owns JP Morgan & Citibank & you have a partial answer

like burnt cork and roofing-felt on a hot day

shit, it smells like shit already, get over it

Link plz

based thats what i always imagine. like ash or perhaps like liqorice depending on the female

I don't believe this article. Not even House Reps can find out who the stock holders are because Ron Paul and Alan Grace both tried and the Jews ran them out of government.

>Citibank& JP Morgan own the NY Fed

Citibank owns JP Morgan. JP Morgan owns Citibank. Blackrock owns Vanguard. Vanguard owns Blackrock, etc, etc. Of course you fucking serfs needs permission to issue stocks of your own. Otherwise you could just start two companies and they could own each other. (((someone))) already did that and you believed it.


why the fuck would you squat naked in a place like that, do you want grass and bugs crawling up your ass?

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The Fed Res Board of Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The Fed’s Board of Governors is a neutered and ineffective regulatory body, and under regulatory capture by the NYFed.
The 12 Federal Reserve Regional branches are the public franchisors, public franchisors which sell private franchisee stock to private banks in their region.
The private banks buy stock in their regional Fed franchise, private stock which earns dividends of 6% annually.
The NYFed is the largest and most powerful regional Federal Reserve branch. It conducts all trading for the Federal Reserve and is custodian for its assets. Its shareholders are the private big banks, aka the primary dealers, that issue our currency in the form of bond debt, who are the market makers for these US treasuries and are now using those treasuries and QE to counterfeit our currency.
The Fed likes to confuse the publicly appointed Fed Board of Governors with the privately-incorporated shareholders of each regional Fed, so people don’t realize we are paying private banks to issue our currency out of thin air in the form of debt.
Pic related

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Federal reserve is basically a super bank made up of all the other "big boy" banks. If you have a bank of a certain size, you get a vote at the table. The US govt also has a few seats at this table (chairman, vice chair, ect). These "fed meetings" set the plan for the coming financial quarter, which all involved banks agree to follow. This is how they set interest rates and determine how much money they can create out of thin air.

The actual men that sit at these tables are somewhat hard to look up, but they have no more power than an ambassador for a country. They just pass messages and cast votes for the owners of the banks.

TLDR: there is no federal reserve in any meaningful sense, just owners of banks that work together with a few US politicians in the room.

Look up "The 147 companies that own the world"
You are right.

what's up doc?

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We have legit ways to end the Fed. We can dissolve the Fed, nationalize the Fed and/or repeal the Federal Reserve Act (all three options are in the Fed Res Act of 1913 itself) and then issue debt-free US notes like we did before the bloodsucking Fed.

What people have forgotten is that politicians are REPRESENTATIVES of the people, not their LEADERS. They are only expected to carry out THE WISHES OF THE PEOPLE. We don't need their advice or ideas. They work for us.

All of the elevated rhetoric from both sides is to make you feel as though your vote made a difference. This is to give you the illusion of choice. It doesn't matter who runs Congress or who is President, the Federal Reserve will still run the show, rigging markets and rewarding failure, all while still counterfeiting our currency via QE and charging us interest to do so.

The United States needs to be the first nation to abolish its debt-based central bank. We can dissolve the Fed by an act of Congress, it is provided for in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 itself. We need to issue debt-free US Notes again, like an actual sovereign nation, slowly recycle Federal Reserve Notes out of circulation, and pay off the debt while not acquiring any new debt.

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>We are a not for profit for profit company that isn't a real company.
Jewish schizo designed this gaslighting operation

>We are a not for profit for profit company that isn't a real company.
i have much info on this subject

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>TLDR: there is no federal reserve in any meaningful sense, just owners of banks that work together with a few US politicians in the room.
So unelected people affecting all citizens in America. Sounds about Jewish.

>>We are a not for profit for profit company that isn't a real company.
i have much info on this subject

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I want to look out my bucolic cottage in the Swiss countryside and see this. I need this in my life. I’m sick of living in this god forsaken country.

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Would sniff

The metastasizing fucking plague that is the Federal Reserve Uniparty is looking for many ways to be the ONE THAT ALLOCATES CAPITAL:
Fed proposing to allocate funding via CBDC issuance (this failed)
Fed proposing to allocate funding via ESG (social/green credit of corporations)
Fed proposing to allocate funding via OCC Chief nominees (i.e. Saule Omarova and her ‘People’s Ledger’ communist manifesto, this failed)
Fed already does allocate funding via SPV liquidity during un/orchestrated crisis after crisis
Fed already does allocate funding via hedge funds using the repo and reverse repo markets
Fed already does allocate funding via QE liquidity
Fed already does allocate funding via funding to the MBS market
Fed already does allocate funding via their new Standing Repo Facility (SRF)

The NY Fed's Quantitative Easing (QE) counterfeiting scheme:
NYFed buys treasuries outright from NYFed primary dealers using reserves. This is QE.
Primary dealers take those reserves and earn IOER (now called IORB) on them, which IS paid in cash to the primary dealers--cash, which they DO make interest on, this is their counterfeiting scheme (also, every penny paid in interest (cash) to the primary dealers for excess reserves also reduces the Fed’s remittance to the Treasury).
The NYFed did this in response to the financial collapse of 2008 and is how its primary dealers have been effectively counterfeiting our currency since.
pic definitely related

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There's no turning back from here. You sure you want to keep taking red pills?

>Fed already does allocate funding via their new Standing Repo Facility (SRF)
half a trillion a day in grease cements their ponzi

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In 2007 both Ron Paul (R) and Dennis Kucinich (D) ran on Ending The Fed. Both had their House Seats Gerrymandered out of existence thus effectively politically assassinating both men. Later Alan Greyson took on the Fed after the 2008 crash demanding to know where all the QE was actually going. He was taken out by Jewish money. Before any of them Cynthia McKiney exposed that Rabbi were making all the House Reps sign loyalty oaths to Israel to get Jewish money and or stop Jewish money from financing their opposition.
But yeah....It ain't da joooze.
Jews are an invading alien armada
The Mother Ships are it's Commercial banks
The Capital Ships are it's Companies
The Battle Ships are it's Media and Universities
The Drone Fighters are it's NOGs, Think Tanks and Activists
But the POWER CORE is the Federal Reserve.
Take out the power core and the whole HIVE ARMADA falls from the sky.

>half a trillion a day in grease cements their ponzi

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color me surprised. they just can't help themselves.