What is the alternative to petro dollar?

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Perhaps replacing the dependency on oil with space solar power?

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retard alert

> the solar dollar will replace the petro dollar
Screencap this

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U.S. Hegemony depends on petro. Why not replace it?

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but since (((they))) can't control it, it will never be allowed.

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You can make trillions with space solar power. The establishment could make it happen - but they would rather see the world burn.

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It will be a DCBC


The world financial system is collapsing, the U.S. establishment is starting (proxy) wars all over the world (just because they are losing hegemony).

We can meme the U.S. back into hegemony with the solar dollar and at least the American people will enjoy a lot of benefits.

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you understand that the materials that are used for solar panels and batteries need to be dug up first?

Let‘s act in our self interest and meme the solar dollar into existence.

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Explain the solar dollar plox

Canadian truckers didn’t get to use their Bitcoin donations. Bitcoin is a glowie scheme

Death by glowniggers

>90% of the components for solar are in China and Russia
>Most solar panels barely last 15 years for middling energy production

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World currency that is tied to physical energy. As in - a calory coin.
Every cost and price should be calculated down to basic energy and traded accordingly.

Naturally such a thing is impossible without one world government. And it in turn is impossible period (and good - we don't want that shit).

So fuck it. No world currency is needed. Let people and countries trade directly in their local moneys or via world-wide currency exchange. It would prevent another "hegemon" from just printing money and parasitising on the world.

Asteroid mining and Jupiter gas harvesting futures.

Asset backed currency
China will revert to it soon enough, when their domestic consumption hits self-sustained growth
They will install the currency then hoard, as they always have before the Sassoon onslaught

gold, silver, copper like we've done for most of human history before the merchants came?

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banks should issue their own currency based on their own reserves and bailouts should be illigal. So simple even a nigger could figure it out.