Any Forums tells me Jews are evil but these two men are the most based individuals on the internet

Any Forums tells me Jews are evil but these two men are the most based individuals on the internet.

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Ron Unz is way more based.

I don't like either of them very much.

so you don't like the sodomite jew, but the war jew
>realize the true enemy

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>Any Forums tells me Jews are evil but these two men are the most based individuals on the internet.
Both are anti-White. You can't prove that they're pro-White.

You're a Jewish shill.

Do you have the twitter post from him saying that the browning of america doesn't matter?

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No, someone else needs to cough that up.

no right wing talking head who hasn't been booted from YouTube yet is worth listening to. Andrew Tate is still a fag though.

searching for ben shapiro browning of america gets plenty of examples.

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>these two men are the most based individuals permitted on the internet

Peter Schiff is a Jew and blows both of these Neoconservative, Zionist, pieces of shit, out of the water.

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This but unironically

calling those two the most based individuals on the internet is like calling Lena Dunham the sexiest woman on the internet

Didn't realize just how easy it would be to find.

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Shapiro is an inbred incel. His voice alone is insufferable.

>calling those two the most based individuals on the internet is like calling Lena Dunham the sexiest woman on the internet
OP is a hit and run shill so of course he's easily debunked.

His purpose is to trick the morons here to think that there are "good" Jews.

Have they ever mentioned the USS Liberty?

While circumcision is the mark that one should not be cut off from the people, the JW label specifies something like circumcision of the body but not of the heart. Those people should be cut off. Asking about whether any individual is evil misses the point about the orchestration of history to mark a group of people for death: the JWs. Those people say they are JWs but they are not. They are kikes. JWs were my ancestors among the Israelites (I am JW) but the kikes are named for someone that has the same last name Tooker that I have. A long time ago, a lot of Israelites were my ancestors. Today, none of them are and they take my name in vain, committing a sin of vanity, to call themselves by my name. They are marked for death.

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>Boy, OP, I have seen some retarded faggots in my day but you take the kake . . .

While there will come a time when any uncircumcised man will be put to death, my plan for dealing with the uncircumcised non-JWs at first will be to follow the arc of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness beyond Egypt. They did not circumcise in the wilderness but there was a mass circumcision event before they inherited the land.

That shitskin with brown eyes is a Sephardim Dog with melanin in his heritage due to be a half breed from Basque mixed mutt with Moorish blood. The other is a dirty converso blonde imposter goyim.