Hypothetically, what apart from death or rigging the elections can stop him from winning in 2024?

Hypothetically, what apart from death or rigging the elections can stop him from winning in 2024?

A lot of independent European countries leaders love Trump because he was NOT intervening into internal affairs unlike the current Democrat regime.

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It’s hard to explain to a yuro

He’s losing GOP support with that pesky FBI investigation going on. He burned too many bridges to be able to pull it off again.

>oh look another photoshop of lardass


he stopped himself

Attached: trump poll 3.jpg (1209x679, 60.42K)

>what apart from death or rigging the elections can stop him from winning in 2024?
absolutely nothing

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No I’m right faggot.

Let's be honest.

Democrats have paid their way in to control almost every voting center.

Democrats control the poll "workers" and the voting center "processes"

They are just going to cheat again until we start a revolution (a spiritual revolution, in minecraft). Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

Attached: 1615765033595.jpg (600x485, 25.16K)

>in-party support 95%

Attached: 1646094583286.webm (720x540, 2.8M)

>reddit spacing

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What are you gonna do, storm the capitol building with a bunch of brain dead boomers again?

> idiot that contributed no ideas of value
maybe you go back?

His whole campaign was running off that he was "different"
No he's the same as the rest
It is over

Cool made up numbers bro

that's not too far off what Our Great President TRUMP's physique looks like,
The ones showing him old and fat are FAKES

next time we do, we'll be armed

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unironially AOC and media manipulation

There is exactly zero evidence to support that conclusion.
Stop listening to the young turks. It rots your brain.

Its actually the opposite if anything his image has just been cemented as anti deep state in conservative eyes due to them seeing this as the lizard people attacking Trump in retribution.

If the dems controlled so much you would think they would do better than
50 of 100 US Senators
221 of 435 US Representatives
865 of 1972 State Senators
2409 of 5413 State Representatives.

They would certainly win the Presidency by more than 50k votes.

The power of the dem party is smoke and mirrors. They are extremely powerful in 2 States.
Ask yourself this. How many people in dem leadership don't come fromCA and NY?

Meanwhile you and 90% of the world thinks "trans" "people" are people, and you love niggers and jews.

Whoops i meant 99%

If you didn't think dem control extended outside of their party and all the way in returd party then it would just be safe to assume you're a retarded placation shill.