Just went to this AMAZING wedding. Christian and Interracial!!!

Nothing more affirming than seeing the power of God's love. This is exactly what makes the jews seethe. Eventually, the world will be overrun with God's love, and white devils will be gone from the Earth and we can once more make the jews totally seethe at our love!
>your brain on christian morals

Attached: jews are SEETHING at this~.jpg (640x640, 76.72K)

Attached: 1477521138683.png (226x200, 26.32K)

Based black men are still better than the majority of white Europeans who are all faggot leftists

>Christian and Interracial
That's redundant.

I agree my brother in Christ! In fact, if I had to choose between a functioning society without jews or blacks or rabbi jeshua, well... I would simply have to pick rabbi jeshua!

>jews force christians to send preists out to approve these weddings
Wait, actually, the Christians just do so themselves and then go asking "did I do good master?!" to the jews.

so some nigger marries some dumb white woman with poor judgement for people so that somehow means christianism is stupid and we should all become gnostic commies to own the jews?

what do you believe in? do you think muslims are retards? do you think chinks and indians are also a bunch of retards who believe in fairy tales?

Read your bible and listen to your jews.

Or simply return to the religion of your people?
You'd be like Japan, a terrible nation full of its own people, no niggers, a safe society that has somewhat boring problems and can make anime and beautiful art.
>instead we get jewish religion


>do you think chinks and indians are also a bunch of retards who believe in fairy tales?
Yes. But their fairy tales are in favor of their people and no one else's. Is that hard to comprehend?
>anything that attacks what my fucking mummy and daddy told me when I was 7 is a slide thread
your brain on jewish programming

Jewish and interracial would be more beautiful. It's what the neonazis fear, the two most important demographic groups getting together.

>Or simply return to the religion of your people?
I guess catholicism had a great momentum during la reconquista. Okay...

always the same shit with you people.


Omg so based!! Race is meaningless. If I had to pick between a rich advanced society full of pure white atheists and a war-torn shithole full of Christian niggers I would pick my niggas in Christ every time! Christ is kang duce volt!

asian religion are not "jewish". I gotcha real badly there, you people. So are you indian, gook, chink?

It would be so cool to cut your damned head off for speaking ill of catholicism, you deserve death you disgusting heathen.

Lmao I'll kill the pope after he has another homosexual pedophile experience. You worship a gay pedo, and your "religion" is full of pedophile jews pretending to be white.
Same shit as any other flavor of jew religion.
Yahweh is a faggot jew, Baal is a faggot jew, Moloch is a faggot jew. You worship jews and faggots.

>You worship jews and faggots.
Where do you live Rajesh? let's talks about it....do you use discord?

Christcucks will post things like this in response, but they never post an intelligible response to the problem that Christianity accepts non-Whites people into the faith and accepts them as equals.

>t. seething servant of Satan

To them, that's based. Jews doing it? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Jews doing it as Christians? Great! :)

Personally I am confused as FUCK about these little retards. They seem to want a functioning society, but won't take the steps to have one.

The level of disgust I feel at an image like that is impossible to put to words. Bestiality, crime against humanity, degradation, defilement, degeneration.... fuck this clown world.

Attached: tiresome.jpg (706x720, 87.75K)

>jews import african migrants to Finland
>christians import christian africans to Finland
Oh, that is okay now! :D

but sure I am the bad guy for warning you. thanks.

>first post utterly BTFO's the tranny OP
>people still keep replying as if there's any point, other than to affirm the buckbreaking
Odd. Sage.

>The level of disgust I feel at an image like that is impossible to put to words. Bestiality, crime against humanity, degradation, defilement, degeneration.... fuck this clown world.
No it's okay bro they're actually both Christians.
>oh that's totally okay then! :D
>haha, only JEWS criticize Christianity, am I right Moishe?

The only thing here is that their kids will "identify" as PoC and look upon their White mom and extended family as *cringe.*

Attached: hm dont mean to be a conspiracy theorist but...noticing a pattern.jpg (8000x4053, 3.98M)

Pretty much this, grew up in SLC, mormon christcuck retards everywhere, slowly seeing spic pockets come up in the 90's- then nigger pockets from cali, now it's just a shitshow of oblivious retarded christcucks and gangbanger dumbshit in other parts. Christians are the best at race betrayal compared to the other religions.

>White Europeans
One of these is a threat to jews. One must destroy the other.