On KF/Any Forums

Have these pro-internet censorship retards ever realized that shutting websites down won't make people stop having the thoughts they have?
Like, do they really think that everybody will suddenly be a pro-Trans tree hugging annoying progressive after all these websites are down?

That's not how it works. The website may be down, but all of it's contents still lives on in our brains. Censorship is not effective at all.

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Nobody cares faggot

>won't make people stop having the thoughts they have?
but it does!
Not on the people who currently go to KF and Any Forums, but on the ones who haven't been.
My kids will likely never know the freedom that I currently know.
Everything will require some faggot login that's tied to your personal identity with no place to just go talk about the current powers that be consequence free.

sadly this is true. it's about preventing future people from "waking up," if you will. just trying to keep more people blinded and in the plantation only reason i am here is i stand on the shoulders of giants, they want to take that away they want no challenge at all to their power

>Any Forums
Which one has more dirty niggers?

your words are violence and their violence is words.
You've basically lived long enough to see the sun set on the wild west era of the internet.

i think that the effect of censoring things and people being made aware of them will keep thought-policing impossible
also people seem to get more radicalized, so maybe it will get more mainstream
not saying that it's a good thing

What's really scary is that how people literally did not cared about trans people at all 5 years ago, fast forward 5 years and they can literally take down any type of chat room, forum, blog, and website for even remotely showing any type of criticism/evidence showing that a trans person happen to be bad. Not that trans people are bad.
That's what I really find it fucked up, KF is being smeared as "far-right hate forum", but all they did was make ONE THREAD on a trans person, there's hundreds of thousands of other threads at are not related to trans people, but just one was necessary to kill the site.

American and Eastern authortitanism are the same, but the means and targets are different.

these are crazy internet addicts you're talking about
they're so insane they literally mutilated their genitals and pretend to be things they're not because they think they can get away with it via the obfuscation of the internet.
the internet has become their reality

when you fully realize this you'll see that they're not merely banning you from a platform, they're killing you. in their demented twisted mind if they can remove you from their reality then subconsciously they have committed murder against you

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Any Forums. kf is wholesome.

> Censorship is not effective at all.
Wrong. The point isn’t to force you to change your mind. It’s to stop you from gathering with like-minded people and spread our views. They want us alone and isolated, and they expect our worldview to die out as time marches on.

who cares
if you actually care, you would do something about it
but you don't and you won't, which means you don't ACTUALLY care
think about it for a second

>do I care about this enough to do something about it?
the answer, more than likely, is a resounding 'not really'

give it a 20 years and trannies will just be more background noise, normalized and boring and annoying to anybody who wants to lead a decent life, just how they are in Thailand where they have had trannies as part of their culture for like 2000 years or more

they are totally irrelevant sex pests, and the more they are exposed and normalized, the more people will see them for what they are and get over the dumb tranny worship shit

Censorship works. It might not work on you, especially if you will actively seek out the truth and places you can discuss it but for most people they don't actually care about things like truth or freedom, so it works on them.

Such people don't mind having a master or boss that curtails some freedoms so long as they feel they're being treated fairly and get to live a comfortable life (bread and circuses). In fact some NPCs actually really enjoy it since the idea of having to make decisions by themselves is stressful and anxiety inducing.

Censorship is to slow the spread of information. It's to keep the NPCs in line and keep control of their perceived consensus. Things like 'free speech' were useful to leftists when they were taking down the existing power structure, but now that they're part of it, they've gone completely 180.

Don't expect honest debate from such people, they don't have principles, they don't care about truth. They just want power and to dominate over others, that's all there is to it. By trying to engage in a debate in good faith you're actually giving them more credibility than they deserve.

Beginning to agree. The catalog here is full of bbc sheboon loving shit. It's disgusting.

that's not what's happening thankfully
most "npc"s are apolitical though

Shut up kiwitroon. We don’t care about your lost shit fight to keep your garbage site up.

All this is going to do is force people to take their shitposting to the meat space.

The problem isn't even KF, the problem here is that KF was the first to get the bat, what will you do after the pendulum hits Any Forums? Telegram? Obscure forums on the clearnet?
You do realize that the internet is not the same anymore? That websites can be taken down with blatant lies?

I'm just warning that censorship is ineffective as a concept, because the website may be dead, but everything those users have read still lives on in their minds for years to come.

>meat space
it's called minecraft

Valid point. Chudcels give trannies more attention and power than they’re worth.

The problem isn't even "chudcels", even women themselves are tired of their bullshit. Lesbian women are tired of this shit. Mothers are also tired of this bullshit.
it's not just "chudcels", see Ovarit for example. They made their own website because troons managed to get so much power that natal women have been kicked from every single fucking subreddit possible.

The power to make such decisions for themselves requires an enormous amount of responsibility and can come with major consequences. I honestly cannot blame many NPCs for being content as pets or such, and sometimes wish I too had authority I could trust. Not everyone is born to be a leader and are best taken care of as followers; this domestication is symbiotic and by design.

don't forget to mention they will have to play a little fucking mini game to proof they are not robots every time they log in.

I do

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>they are totally irrelevant sex pests
ok Thailand.