I’m literally cringing whole day as leftist are crying that Pinochet won in Chile today, lol no.

He is one of them, neoliberal cuck loved by Jews, today it is comrade Allende who won.

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Comrade Allende I salute you!

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People who praise Pinochet (Puppet funded by Kissinger) are just as cringy as people who praise leaders from the Soviet Bloc.
You're literally no fucking different.
These type of people were not fighting for a good cause, neither their country, they're sellouts who will fucking murder you under a dictatorship that was installed by a foreign nation for profits.

Mi general, Augusto Pinochet is the greatest Chilean leader

Muh based US puppet, muh based ZOG shill, muh based gang rape and torture of government critics!

t. Free speech warrior

Allende was a jew you do realize that right?

Pinochet is “rightist” in a same sense Thatcher is.

Thatcher, Reagan and their neolib policies enabled all leftist abominations, they are ANTIFA, Margaret Thatcher is closer to AOC than she is to mosley.

Jews post WW2 changed what it means to be “anti-communist”, Allende is closer to Oswald Mosley than any elected British official except maybe Enoch of post WW2

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Even if he was, at least he was THEIR Jew, who cared about THEIR country, not a fucking CIA funded barbaric monster who sold out his people for profits. You're no different from a tankie.

Allende was not a Jew, and he was a real Chilean patriot unlike Jewish cuck Pinochet

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imagine defending a jew no wonder nobody believes you.

I have Jewish ancestry, where's my bank?
Where's my multibillionaire company?
Do I work for Soros? Stop being such a schizo, not every single fucking Jew is conspiring against everybody.

Holy fuck you are Jew, are you subverting us rn?

>One caused his nation to become the most successful LatAm country by far
>The others had to build walls to keep people in
>"Reeeeeee can't you see these two are exactly the same!!!!1!!!1!

And pinochet was...?
>constitution prevents strikes, allows for private water ownership

vikings are very jewish desu

>sell the entire nation to the highest bidder
>cia pumps shitloads of money to keep chile afloat
>lol it was a mirracle


Do you verbally combat fascism, sexism, racism, and homophobia? Do you donate to any jewish organizations or read any jewish periodicals? Do you welcome immigrants? If you do any of these things and more, you're a subversive kike.

Allende wanted to keep a constitution that protects private pension accounts from the government and has property rights as absolute instead of getting a new one where the government nationalizes everyone's savings accounts and puts social rights over property rights?