How do we stop the violent while male epidemic?

How do we stop the violent while male epidemic?

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impressive, now show the full pic

Why should we white Islam is coming

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I think shutting down Any Forums and Kiwifarms is the first step in curbing the incel terrorist problem.

what do all of these guys have in common ?

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>what do all these shooters have in common?
They're feds?

The nose doesnt lie.

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Those are all jews.
Why do jews desire mass murder so badly?
Also Adam Lanza is David Hogg

wow all six of them? truly an epidemic

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Most mass shooters, murderers and school shooters in the US are not white

The interesting thing is that while most mass shooters are indeed white dudes, the amount of killing by blacks daily, especially of other blacks, is on a scale that is truly staggering. So the vast majority of white males will be peaceful to one another and their society, and occasionally one will lose their shit and shoot a bunch of innocents. But every single day blacks rain death and horror on one another, destroy families, ruin their own cities and are essentially ungovernable.

To claim white males are a problem is like blaming police for killing unarmed blacks, when the fact is that blacks killing police is an order of magnitude more common.

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Encourage violent while female incidents.

Half of them are jewish so I can assume all of them are.

Cool it with the antisemetic remarks.

Shitty parents

I think Lgbtwhatevers and mentally ill shooters have more in common than "incels" shit posting on image boards. Sociologists and law enforcement probably agree.

> The interesting thing is that while most mass shooters are indeed white dudes
Not true

>what do these shooters have in common?

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Have you seen the demographics of a high security prison?

>How do we stop the violent while male epidemic?
Why not show all the Mass shooters for any given year OP? Is it because you are a lying faggot?

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I’m not sure, I have low iq subsequently very poor pattern recognition

What do they have in common?

Have world governments stop trying to eliminate them and their way of life.

Solve the fire, not the smoke.

Why contain it?

Pic related

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Fetal alcohol syndrome ?

Single mother raising them ?

Ban psychotropics and disband the FBI.

Also the guy in the bottom right DIDNT kill anyone
He just shot that bitch in the head during her rally in a Safeway parking lot lmao
The lizard bitch made a full recovery after being shot in the head , I think he shot her in the head more than once too

I guess they had guns in common

Strictly mutt problem not mine

all were on SSRIs

This is very antisemitic of you to say

All have jewish ties

I wonder what would happen if we fed every mugshot ever into an ai that can average all the faces.

by antagonizing and shaming them and marginalizing them in every field and in every public space, obviously

add on a heaping helping of government enforced and encouraged discrimination against them, and I am sure they will calm down

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Actually the common denominator is the medication they were on.

She could stand to lose another 50

all racial jews