/ICG/ Internet Censorship General

Containment thread to help to focus the autism. This is a long running debate in internet politics which has been brought up again by recent events.

Cloudflare's new abuse policy blogpost makes some interesting points: blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflares-abuse-policies-and-approach/

"While we believe we have an obligation to restrict the content that we host ourselves, we do not believe we have the political legitimacy to determine generally what is and is not online by restricting security or core Internet services."

"In spite what some may claim, we are not free speech absolutists. We do, however, believe in the Rule of Law. Different countries and jurisdictions around the world will determine what content is and is not allowed based on their own norms and laws."

Despite the above, note that there was no legal / due process involved in this takedown - these were private decisions made by private companies. Matthew Prince raised this issue before when he pulled the plug on DS 5 years ago and expressed his discomfort with it then but it would appear that there has been no progress in 5 years.

The takedown notice itself (blog.cloudflare.com/kiwifarms-blocked/) makes a very clear accusation that current systems are not fit for purpose:

"We need a mechanism when there is an emergency threat to human life for infrastructure providers to work expediently with legal authorities in order to ensure the decisions we make are grounded in due process. Unfortunately, that mechanism does not exist and so we are making this uncomfortable emergency decision alone."

However the above does not imply that there is no mechanism at all, simply that there is no formal mechanism.

The Cathedral, which you may have heard mentioned before, is explained here:


This is also referenced by Null (the downed site's operator) see picrel.

Attached: kfstatement.jpg (1184x670, 160.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


There's nothing to be done. It's over.

This is the end of peaceful solutions to our problems. We are now waiting for the bombs to drop.



We should not be allying iwth kiwifarms because we explicitly ban doxing and targeted harasmnet. THat's the entire raison d'etre of Kiwifarms. In fact its toxic to allow kiwifarms to attempt to align and associate themsleves iwth us for this reason. We need to distance ourselves from them ASAP

Kiwibugmen are not welcome here, your leader is tainting the real meaning of free speech by associating stalking/harassment campaigns with an actually oppressed, dissident poltically motivated group of men who, with humor and irreverence, have sincere beliefs. Kiwibugmen do not have beliefs, they are a gossip/stalking website, with any beliefs applied retroactively to justify their stalking/harassment.

I hope someone gets to the task of making this clear right now because this message needs to be spread and Moon is muddying the waters with his petty logical gymnastics

Attached: 1662383429929780.jpg (1080x598, 150K)

YWNBAW, join the 41%

You will never be white, subhuman monkey

Kill yourself you fucking retard. Doxing isn't illegal and talking about the retarded shit you yourself put on to the internet isn't harassment.

This is not about Kiwi Farms & Any Forums. This is just a forum for outlet & discussion. What "dissident poltically motivated group of men"?

I am whiter than you and you are still a mentally ill man

Go back.

I don't understand why so many idiots are acting surprised by this whole saga. Censorship on the internet has been getting stricter and stricter by the day. This is the nature of web2.0.

Instead of bemoaning the fact that Kiwifarms has been relegated to Tor, it should be seen as a victory. Tor is decentralized and uncensorable. The more people who start picking it up, the less power companies like Cloudflare have, the less power the cathedral has, the less power the trannies have.

Every single one of you should download and install Tor right now if you genuinely care about a free and uncensored internet. You should also consider self-hosting a relay, or engaging in whatever other kind of web3.0 activities you can think of.

Is that user high on crack?

he thinks he's slick but his use of the word "toxic" and his concern about his fellow pedophilic troons being doxxed exposes his true intentions

You are defending this subhuman tranny

>le reddit newlines

Normalfags will never use Tor, we should fight for territory on the surface net till the end

The right needs decentralized websites and chat apps like fucking yesterday

We have ids here, retarded newfag troon

Hopefully the KF move prompts people and perhaps other services to make the switch too. We get to have our own underground net, they get the filthy yet sanitized clearnet. Win win

What's you opinion on Cloudflare's previous deplatforming of Daily Stormer? I understand that the denizens of that site also consider themselves a dissident poltically motivated group of men.

>Normalfags will never use Tor
The fact that you're implying this is a bad thing tells me you're a complete and utter idiot.

unlike you i know our strenght relies on normalfags being exposed to the truth but you just want to be left alone in your little internet ghetto, safely removed from people who would bennefit from your gospel

holy reddit

Nobody cares about your schizo crusade you stupid monkey moron. What matters is having an easily accessible, uncensorable platform. That's exactly what Tor is, and it's a good thing you're too stupid to follow a simple installation.

Idiots like you belong on censored platforms.

its impossible to move normalfags unless there was a joint effort of various groups to that end, it doesn't mean they need to work on pushing the exact same ideas just the ideas that screw with globohomo and censorship,but that isn't likely to happen unless someone manages to inspire others to do so.

QRD on The Cathedral?

I agree but how? Null seems to have exhausted every option that one man can pursue alone. This net has been closing for quite a long time.

Would it be better if the site had been taken offline using a legal mechanism rather than at the whim of some corporation?


Various non governmental institutions act in sync with each other as a kind of hive mind.

>This is also referenced by Null (the downed site's operator) see picrel.
Request link to entire statement, or a complete screenshot if nothing else is openly available.

This is a watershed moment. An open admission by the network that it has abandoned all aspirations of free speech or individual agency.