"lmao nvm i was just joking!"

>"lmao nvm i was just joking!"
>"you cropped it too close... it wasn't meant to look like a dictator speech from a movie with Hitler's actual expressions and hand movements!"
Why is Joe such a pussy?
Can he stand behind his own actions for once?

Attached: FbnY3UUXoAAq020.jpg (800x1199, 76.15K)

But you're the one freaking out about a red background.

And the content of the speeches
And the laws that have been passed
And the beast mode irs
And arresting our politicians and their men
And saying youre coming for the voters
And busting into our party leaders house on made up charges

>freaking out
We're pissed that "our leader" is threatening to kill half of us unless we submit to him. I think that's a valid reaction; but Biden was so afraid of that response that he tried to backtrack the whole thing lol

It's time to take your blood pressure medication, boomer.

We are only spinning it to our advantage
Fighting kikeism with kikeism

And to think the brainchild behind the staging, lighting, camera angles and framing is almost certainly a leftist fuckstick. This just begs the question: do they know how incredibly dumb they are?

Just gives me hope that the left loves the smell of their own farts so much that they don’t even know their own folly.

Why is it no one mentions the light on the right guy's hands while the left guy's are kept dark?
Clearly intentional hidden hand gay symbolism.

The dark, red, ominous background is universally and subconsciously understood to be evil.
This shit was on purpose, and my take on it is this is just some prep work for when they do the flip and sacrifice their henchmen to (whatever's left of) the masses.

Not freaking out, just sucks that our president is hitler. Isn't our president supposed to help the American people? Guess not. Good thing elections are coming up.

>it wasn't meant to look like a dictator speech from a movie with Hitler's actual expressions and hand movements
He actually looked like a senile deranged faggot

It's a trap though. Everyone should fill a straight Democrat ballot to make them eat every last bite of what they prepared.

>just sucks that our president is hitler.
goddamn trump was the worst thing to happen to this board

It's called motte and bailey. The radical position is the true intentions but they retreat to a safer position when confronted. Make no mistake they want us dead.

>Not freaking out, just sucks that our president is hitler.

In the past 2 days half of Any Forums has jumped shipped and is now a Biden bruh. lol does kinda make sense when you consider nazis where leftist though.

Sorry but we have to vote against this hitler guy.

Go get a real job. Trolling isn't your forte.

They don’t actually know how dumb they are. They’ve spent their entire lives isolating themselves in a circle jerk of indoctrinated yes men. They’ve avoided debate for so long that they are ACTUALLY convinced they are intellectually superior to the rest of the population and they are capable of herding everyone like sheep to do what they want. This is the reason they keep doubling down on failed policies, because they think it’s just a messaging problem and not the reality that the policies don’t work and nobody fucking wants them. They chose a blood red background and dictator like mood for the speech because they view Trump in that light and can’t understand his popularity despite their repeated attempts to paint him in that light. They see Biden/democrats failing in the polls and thought: well… since dictatorship seems popular all we have to do is paint Biden as a dictator and suddenly people will love Biden!… these people are literally retards that have the mentality of a 13 year old girl in high school trying to win a popularity contest. They don’t understand anything beyond skin deep optics.

Any Forums has always been accelerationist, even before trump. Biden is 3x more unstable. We cant help ourselves.

Does anyone else here come from the timeline where it was all red, without any blue?

There was always blue on either side (no white) but the official video feeds and almost all major news outlets cropped it to focus on a red and black background while Biden was flanked by marines.

Biden and leftists now claim this was all unintentional despite the video feed that they put out having the same cropping... which means that whatever plan they had backfired hard.

What annoys me is the hypocrisy of it. Biden goes to give a speech about how his opponents are divisive quasi-fascist ideologues, but stages the scene to look like a fascist rally.

Imagine how the Dems would have freaked out if Trump had given a speech like this? They called him a Nazi just for having ordinary political rallies with flag-waving crowds of happy people around him.