Can someone answer the phone?

Because I fucking called it!

Null was a dipshit for using a UK based DDoS guard. I talked about this last night. No one is gonna want to touch Kiwifarms with a 20 foot pole now that Cloudflare has called them out by name.

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I remember you user and although I wholeheartedly agreed with you when I read your posts, I have since found out that although ddosguard is registered in the U.k. for tax reasons, their operations are all based out of russia

Which ddos service do you recommend?

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Jannies are going into overdrive this morning. We're not allowed to talk about KF.

You do realise that for DDOS services to work you need like 200 data centres? if cloudflare won't have you, no one will

Why? I was about to post that.

There aren't any that will take the site after this Null would have to build out infrastructure.

DDoS Guard is Russian.
They're incorporated in Scotland (as well as Belize) but it's a Russian company made from Russians living in Russia.
And the DoS protection provider of Russian government agencies.

Why havent you fags doxxed the troon yet
Better, beat the shit out of him
You're pussies loool.

Welp, last days of the free internet it appears to be. There is a very fabricated effort to just bring the internet down to only social media sites.

Because we're heading toward gamergate 2. Where a shitty person is exposed as being terrible, and plays the victim card hard enough to get the entire internet to shut it down.

There is no alternative to Cloudflare.
Cloudflare is the only company that can do DDoS protection at a real scale because they're most likely backed financially by the federal government

Internet censorship is a one way street apparently. Leftists are allowed to post all kinds of evil shit and never face repercussions. I don't think I've ever even visited the kiwifags website but this is the type of thing warrants firing squads. Censorship should never be allowed.

i hate jannies so much

It helped keep up the site a couple of extra days then, enough for most of the regulars to to know how to follow the farms.

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You thought jannie tranny was just a meme?

These Woke Tranny fags only live to destroy other people and their cultures. They have no culture of their own other than destruction. "The Devil is never a maker"

An open pedophile can get away with his crimes because he served corporate interests

It's only a matter of time before people realize that centralization will be the end for the internet. But for that to happen it has to threaten the normies and their safespaces as well. But this is basically what happens when you let one entity control it all.

we're definitely in the middle of it. there were like two dozen articles dropped at once about the "worst" site on the internet, from people who lurk in atomwaffen telegram all day, suddenly KF is worse because some troon got assmad

This fatass grifts 100k CAD from tranny neets, spends it on huge amounts of decadent food and goes on a holiday in Europe. If he was really scared he would be hiding in a small town in the Canadian forests instead of Europe where everyone will see the fat canadian tranny stick out in Belfast. Moron doxed himself like 3 times.

Normies dont give a fuck. Most of them are vaccinated. They can be prodded in one direction or another, but they don't really have any passion or knowledge in any direction. They all took the vax.