Where should we all meet up?

When society collapses from the vax die off. In The Road, they were trying to make it to the coast. Where should we go?

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Wherever you niggers go, I'm going the opposite direction

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Coast is good because fish.

We should pick a random town. Just like throw a dart at a map.

>When society collapses from the vax die off
When is that ? Two weeks ? Ive been waiting for over a year but nothing fucking happened.

It happened, you are just in the wrong timeline

Waffle House

There wont be a mass dieoff but I think us mutts should go reclaim dixie instead of hiding out the yuppie west

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Windsor Ontario or Detroit

If more than a hundred people live in 500 meters of your house your not going to make it.

You have no resources, thus you can't be governed, thus anyone with resources will attack you preemptively.

You'll be ring fenced, with one starving line keeping the next staving line contained, until everyone starves.

Suburbs made of cardboard will turn into a fire ball the second the fire bridge can't use the roads effectively, cities will descend into cannibalism not when food runs out but when the first person runs out of food.
Those without food will be killed on that elementary assumption.

The military will withdraw collectively to a strong point on the farming belt, kill everyone there and seize commercial food supplies.
They probably won't leave there for months.

Your best bet is probably being on a cargo ship, because these have the highest resource/ man power ratio.
When beached in a remote area, a cargo ship could probably restart society by itself, and there would be enough resources to enfranchize anyone who happened to be nearby.

Just follow the Fire

I'll be with (You) in spirit. When society collapses I'll be buried under the rubble, just not because of the vaxx.
Fish is bad because mercury.

that's where I dump the dead batteries.

>OP sends us to niggerville
I'll be in my bunker, good luck faggots

We head to Ontario and pledge our lives to beloved Canadian actress Sarah Gadon.

its the collapse
after escaping the chaos of the cities you venture into the anarchy of the countryside heading to a random town picked by pure chance on a forum.

it takes nearly a week of pedal power to get there and when you arrive its deserted, making camp as stealthily as possible after scavenging a respectable haul from abandoned houses you hear footfalls..

...hello?..... four of clubs?

I will wait for you guys at the top of the Balkan pyramid
Password: fuck niggers

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You will see me roaming the nuclear wastes in cool looking LARP gear executing pedophiles and rapists or basically anyone who prays on the weak.

Good idea
US anons let’s all meet at the great US pyramid

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lmfao not a single person here has the strength or cardio to climb visoko mountains

I already live on the top of a hill. Almost in the middle of a forest. I have 50kg of dry food. Seeds of everything you can think of. An oil extractor. A bolt action rifle with a few ammo and chickens. 200 lighters and other stuff like that.
I think that I'm going to be alright.

If I was on my home into the "wilderness" and came across a survivor who said "I sneed your help" I would help that user.

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Just living in switzerland says you'll be alright. Jews aren't going to attack the sheckle keepers

only the strongest frens will be able to climb, natural selection

I'll be that old blind guy claiming to be older, don't forget to give me my can of peaches. Thank you in advance.

And and watch out for cart stealing niggers!

if you say "Eu te amo" or you reference Tay, I accept you in the group, otherwise fuck off.
Sneed is an acceptable answer as well.

I'm going to the Karoo

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Finland or Alaska

easy access to guns, hard to get in, very far away from populated areas, filled with nutrious fish and most virus would just freeze on the way

A little over the top, no?

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