Why is America the only developed nation without universal healthcare?

Every other developed nation has it, and they're doing just fine, actually better.

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We have a mixed system. The people who need it get free healthcare, and those who can afford it have to pay. The only people being fucked are those who are
1. Qualify, but too lazy to sign up
2. Don't qualify (make too much money for medicaid), and refuse to pay for it

Also, europe is NOT doing fine. Do you have any fucking idea what's happening in europe right now?

Who is this semen demon?

Libertarians, scream "FREEDOM! NO TAXES"

That's it. Kill off all libertarians and you get healthcare

Just be careful user

Coexistence is not a necessity, separatism is an option.

Rikki. Has a dick.

Appalachian hillbillies hate all government

Behead those who reddit space

You're not a fucking Appalachian Scot-irish hick
You're not a true libertarians
So clam the fuck down, you won't be fucking shot.

What the fuck are you doing here libertarian? Should you be WORKING HARDER sucking off fucking bill gates.

I'm here to bother you. Also, i'm on Medicaid and vote for the people who want to appeal it. How do you feel about that?


don't worry

soon there will not be a single country with any healthcare

The Government can't run anything more efficiently than private institutions. There's always restrictions when money is tight, huge delays for medical procedures or they just throw you on painkillers and turn you into an addict instead of giving you procedures that you need. There will be less specialists because they aren't being paid more than general practitioners. You lose the right to try experimental procedures that might save your life with all other options have been exhausted. The list goes on and on, and Government control gives Government the ability to deny people it doesn't like.

I'm not saying American healthcare doesn't have problems at the moment, largely in part due to insurance company's monopolies on State lines, the licensing process, and the amount of Government and bureaucracy that's already in our healthcare, but handing it over to the Government is not the answer

Socialized heath care fails once tens of thousands migrants use it without ever subsidizing it. The same thing would happen there as is happening everywhere socialized Healthcare is available.
End result being resources stretched so thinly that you are limited to a couple of personal dr appointments a year.

I want to ban the export of our medical science.
Would be fucking amazing to see how the free systems get left behind.

Cute furry OP

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Yugoslavia collapsed because of it.
Analbanians were crossing the borders illegally and settling in south Serbia and abused the guns and healthcare system until it broke down.
You had some hard workers in northern towns with 1 or 2 kids doing back breaking labor to pay gibs for Muhammed on the unemployment benefits and his wife and 12 kids on children assistance that was bigger than if she worked a job.

Universal healthcare and unemployment gibs are surefire way to destroy ethnically non homogeneous country.
Same shit is happening in Sweden, Germany, UK as we speak.

I will tell you...

Because American society is ultra-capitalist and individualistic, they know that if they do not want to become a communist shithole like Venezuela, China or Russia, they must maintain a firm conviction to reject COLLECTIVISM in order to progress individually and remain as the richest and most advanced society of the world that makes them today the most powerful country in the world

universal healthcare is the culmination of communism, socialism and collectivism. universal healthcare destroys everything that made America great and powerful: individualism, wealth, monetary savings, self-sufficiency, financial freedom, etc.

Attached: american countryball.jpg (900x900, 80.09K)

We HAVE free healthcare for the poor and the brown. I'm on state healthcare because I'm a piss-poor caretaker for my grandparents, and I never really have to worry about paying for anything, at least not that I've seen so far.
Remember Obamacare? That was, like, half the reason it existed, to give poor people and black people free healthcare while also damaging the middle class further via increased costs to small businesses.

Anyway, TL;DR:
1. The US is overall very unhealthy, which puts a strain on the healthcare system and drives up costs too much, making it expensive to fully subsidize.
2. A good chunk of health insurance is tied into the whole system as part of a roughly 100 year old bit of jewery that started during the great depression. It's complicated, look it up.
3. Semi-related, insulin costs are stupid high because of #1, and because there's only like 3 factories in the whole planet that produces it, and again, it's so expensive the govt doesn't want to pay for it.

>We HAVE free healthcare

not universal healthcare

Shouldn't you be sucking off Uncle Joe for crumbs?

Tried killing myself like 7-8 or so years ago, put a good amount of effort into it, but it takes a surprisingly long time to die if you don't own a gun, t.b.h.
The hospital visit was free, the stitching to put my arm back together was free, the overnight stay was free, the ambulance ride to the loony bin was free, the week or two I stayed there was free, the ride back to my town was free, the mandatory therapist was free, and the antidepressants I turned down would've been free too. My doctor at the time was pretty shady, so I skipped him entirely and had my stitches taken out at an urgent care, literally walked in without an appointment, waited for 20 minutes, then was let in and had my stitches taken out, all free, even had a weird foot issue fixed while I was there, also free.

Weirdly enough though, if I want to get new glasses, the prescription and lenses are free, but the frames are only discounted. No clue why.