Supreme Leader Biden

Supreme Leader Biden
>solves student debt crisis
>kicks russias ass
>embarrasses chinks over Taiwan
>lowers gas prices
>strengthened NATO

While rightoids just scream about muh xavscene, muh stolen election and muh christ. People dont give a fuck. November will see a blue wave and the rightoids are panicking.

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This. They'll never see it coming

Gas prices are over $3.70 again where I live, the same price as before Putin invaded Ukraine, when they were putting Biden stickers on gas pumps.
NATO is insolvent, Europe is on the verge of total economic collapse (but that was going to happen regardless of who was elected)
Putin made his own Vietnam, Biden lucked into that one

>Biden lucked into that one
>Uhhhhhhh he got lucky!!!
Point? A W is a W. Considering the US hasn't won't anything in 20 years and its adversaries have been continually gaining I think that will be considered a win.

As much as I might not like it, some 77% or so Americans supported Biden's actions in Ukraine. If Russia glassed Kiev I could see your point, Americans may be forgibing about many things but they hate losers.

Don't care, still voting for Darth Brandon

You better read the fine print on the student loan forgiveness. You're going to be sooo sad.

As for the rest, please come join us in reality.

every single point you made is a blatant lie and the opposite case, which is pretty impressive when you think about it

gas prices are literall 80% higher than under trump you absolute retard

>You better read the fine print on the student loan forgiveness. You're going to be sooo sad.
I qualify, thankfully

That is what I said tho

Will the blue wave come in the form of secret overnight ballots again?

>gas prices are still high!!!1
When will MIGAs acknowledge they only got that low because of global economic collapse during 2020? All the big producing countries got together to reduce supply because they were afraid of going bankrupt after oil went neg.

Unemployment was around 20% under Blumpfs glorious final year. Pretty much a year of Great Depression level unemployment. So, no shit demand was suppressed. We didn't catch back up to where we were in GDP terms until summer 2021

>Gas goes up like 2-3 bucks
>Goes down like 5 cents temporarily
Kys troon

>solves student debt crisis
His $10k per person is temporary relief and will only cause interest rates and debts to increase in the future
>kicks russias ass
The government spent tens of billions of taxdollars funding a corrupt government on the other side of the war during a recessions. Europe is on the verge of collapse and the war is still ongoing
>embarrasses chinks over Taiwan
The Biden whitehouse still officially recognizes Taiwan as a part of China
>lowers gas prices
He lowered it to under $4 after it climbed from under $3 up to $5. Inflation is still growing and this temporary decrease is still showing an overall upwards trend in prices
>strengthened NATO

Basically Biden did nothing he set out to do. He made inflation worse, he fucked ip the Afghanistan withdrawal, he’s getting the US involved in more pointless wars, and his reckless rhetoric is dividing the country even more than it already is. He is quite literally one of the worst presidents of all time. Even Woodrow Wilson looks smart next to Brandon.

Seriously, who do these shills think they’re fooling? Are they making these threads just for shits and giggles or do they genuinely think they can gaslight people into believing this?

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Copium. Love him or hate him hes essentially returned gas prices to where they were before the Ukraine war took Russian production off the global market

Biden cope thread

Literally his first week in office he shut down oil drilling and oil pipelines

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That pipeline wasn't doing shit bro, Keystone XL wouldn't be available until 2025 at the earliest. All the oil that was going to go down keystone is just being shipped here by boat, pretty much no difference either way, totally symbolic gesture.

>Poland, American, American etc..
>Kekistani x 2
>More retards
This is why Jews think they're winning. Because of you retards. Good job.

So lockdowns are an excuse for why Trump’s gas prices don’t count as a win, but the lockdowns can’t be used as a reason to explain unemployment rates?

Ok buddy

Oil is a speculative market, it doesn't matter if the pipeline wasn't finished, the news was enough to disrupt investing and futures.

You’re retarded. Current oil prices are based off of anticipation of future supply and demand. Saying that Biden’s environmentalist policies have had no effect on gas prices is completely disingenuous

Yes I sceam all day. Good point.

get cancer glownigger

hunt the jews

even millennial retards who can be psyoped into supporting Biden at a moments notice don't think he solved the student debt crisis

Poles became fucking canada tier faggot posters since this war started.

they're panicking
yum, salty tears

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Biden is a bitch and should give me a million dollars.
Anybody who says he shouldn't is a fucking communists and should be executed by being shoved feet first into a fucking tree grinder.