Is electroconvulsion-therapy the cure for gender identity disorder?

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no, there's a proven treatment for that and it's called Pimozide

I hear lead entering the skull at mach 2 cures gender dysphoria :D

Pic related is the cure

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If you tie a copper wire around your neck and throw it over power lines, you aren't gay anymore. Guaranteed

>Is electroconvulsion-therapy the cure for gender identity disorder?

Checked and Keked

Attached: ec.jpg (640x481, 53.41K)

Thinks your form of illogical scum practices are better than their form of illogical scum practices (which many had their hormones screwed with by that "psychiatry" also)... Typical...

Attached: The-Shit-show-exposed.jpg (753x500, 158.36K)

why go through the trouble of using (((science))) when a baseball bat or lead pipe will do the trick

I nearly died in a lab from cyanide poisoning because some dumb fuck relabeled it as potassium chloride. Definitely more than a few minutes. You're in pain but your brain doesn't register it

Or you can get some copper wire coat it in pencil and talcum powder then a copper mesh and make a 18% efficient solar panel.

>Carbon Monoxide
>Agony 18
Shouldn't it be agony 0? Or close?
You don't even know it's happening.
Lots of niggers especially have died having no clue.

Yeah I'm calling bull shit on that chart too. The time says it is in minutes, which clearly isn't the case. The pain factor is absurd, with burning alive being the only one that makes sense.

As if you'd even feel something getting shot in the head or falling from a building.

What would happen if you took a kike and gave him 5 electroconvulsive treatments a day for 5 months straight? Would he ever be able to talk again? Would he even know who he was anymore?

Its humans meddling with shit they don't fully understand

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No. Taking away the internet is the cure for all that bullshit.

2mg pimozide daily

Real talk, spiritual philosophy is. All traditions teach us that a false, sick ego is the root cause of neurosis. By not clinging to self identification of any kind, one becomes free to be who they really are. If people who are begging to die can become life loving super achievers this way, imagine what it could do to trans niggers.

Having sex (with the opposite gender) also works.

>Shouldn't it be agony 0? Or close?
Nah, chemical asphyxiation sucks. If you want a demo, inhale the carbon dioxide in a soda bottle. Take a few deep breaths. You'll see that it isn't "painful" per se, but it's still a shitty feeling.
>Lots of niggers have died having no clue
That's because they're too stupid to realize what's going on, not because it's painless.
>As if you'd even feel something getting shot in the head or falling from a building.
Remember that you might not die instantly from those. The chart also takes the "imperfect" attempts into consideration, where the bullet didn't instantly liquify the brain or where the guy jumping didn't jump from high enough or didn't land on his head.

Depends on if you turn it off

ECT is widely underutilized for its traditional use case (depression), so even more so for gender dysphoria. However it is one of the greatest tools in all of psychiatry. It induces a seizure and when repeated often enough it wipes out many long term memories and reorganizes the brain. Paired wirh behavorial conditioning, there is no reason why it wouldn't cure gender identity. But that's small potatoes compared to what I envision would be its greatest use. If used in very high doses, the patient experiences profound amnesia, a total loss of self as it were. This makes prison redundant and obsolete.