Peter Jackson ghosted by Amazon

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What is the Any Forums opinion on the man?

The Hobbit trilogy is so bad he should be ghosted.

You're not wrong. He got handed del Toro's sloppy seconds and was told to get it done in an insane timeframe. He should've just turned that shit down.

Good for him. RoPe sucks.

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He wasn't "ghosted".

The Amazon licensing deal *required* that it have no connection to the lord of the rings movies, and because Peter Jackson was the brain behind LotR trilogy they decided to not have him involved

Rings of Power makes The Hobbit an 8/10 trilogy

heck it makes Meet the Feebles look like enlightenment era rosicrucian drama, ie Shakespeare

Standard gang shit. Niggers huh?

The sequence with the spiders is so awful. It's just like the scenes that Jackson made in Kong with giant bugs swarming. Nobody should fucking survive that shit.

About the series, i read a comment on a Any Forums discussion where someone wrote in one of the first episodes, two teens are killing an orc. It pissed him off because the orcs don't look like a threat anymore.

Well, take another look at the trilogy. With the exception of very few moments, they're falling like flies. Similar to the stormtroopers from Star of David Wars. What a surprise, both the empire and Sauron's army are supposed to be the evil gemrans, as always!

whats wrong with it?

Attached: s01e02 3.webm (900x916, 2.99M)

Stretching out a short story into 3 films, disgusting use of CGI, ignoring physics (legolas jumping upward by stepping on bricks falling through the air; the river where the wooden barrels basically fight the Orcs and are unsinkable), good guys surviving falls from hundreds on feet in the air, idiotic love story between dwarf and elf, idiotic Alfred and laketown politics scenes, dwarves trying to fight a dragon using heat, dwarves holding off armies of thousand with like 8 midgets doing nothing, worms that appear then disappear form the battle, and especially the fact that when they don't immediately find the keyhole they decide to give up immediately. And all the dwarves are forgettable.

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Also there was no ending, I assume it's because Jackson got bullied for LOTR having like 5 endings but we don't find out anything at all. Who becomes King? Who ends up with the gold? Does some of it go to Laketown citizens? Are the Laketown folks even OK? Does Alfred get what he deserves? Do they learn anything new about the upcoming threat (Sauron)? What's the nature of the dragonstone? Will whoever gets the gold also get "dragon sickness" like their leader dwarf? Literally nothing had an ending, even other movies who pull that like Pirates of the Caribbean 2 or the Hunger Games get away with it because they're the middle film of a series but this was the end without an ending.

Attached: Eye of Sauron but its in china.webm (400x230, 1.49M)

Whatever. You think they would use, I don't know, the guy who created the movie world many love(not me Idc for lotr personally) to capture and convey the aesthetics and spirit of the universe in film format? They didn't because they have an agenda. They don't care about making it feel like LOTR, it's about the message THAT BLACK PEPO DO BE BELONGING IN ANCIENT WYPEPO TALES AN SHEIT. Cmon are you blind?

Peter Jackson didn't write Lord of the Rings

It was gonna be 2 movies.
Warner Bros forced them to make it 3 movies.
As such Jackson was forced to add a shitload of filler which overstuffed the story and made it boring.
Warner Bros also forced Jackson to add a she-elf in trousers who never existed in the story as some interracial love interest.
God knows what else the studio made him do.

He wasn't even supposed to be directing it, but the other director abandoned it mid-production and he was left with the choice of letting it flounder even harder or jumping aboard.

He unfortunately made the wrong choice and tried to help it not crash.

Ratfu Galadriel

>Star of David Wars

I'm assuming there is a fan made cut that combines it in to one movie?