Why are ((They)) pushing this godawful trend of "your home must be all gray and white...

Why are ((They)) pushing this godawful trend of "your home must be all gray and white, and dont forget your 6000K white can lights goy"

God even homes feel soulless now

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This is lgbt propaganda

Yea I fucking hate grey

I like earthy greys, beiges, and greens

I wont install a light above 2700k unless its for a workspace like a laundry room

good lad

None of you rats will ever own a home or have want cute wife to come home to

This may come to you as a shock, but I actually painted all my rooms with different colours. In some even two and two walls with different tones. Just get up, buy a fucking roller, tape and paint (all available at the same place, a hardware store) and get to work.

you're the fucking problem. select a bold colour you pussy.

Cool. Now make us sammwichies. I like mine cut in triangles pls

Touched the ham and cheese with unwashed hands. Didn't cut them. Spat in it. Here you are, enjoy your meal americuck.

grey and white paint is cheaper
it has no character, its new renter friendly.
its not for you

have you seen our fast food staff?
that shits expected

it's these faggots fault
not even meming

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I want an offgrid hobbit hole so bad bros.

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natural colors and warm tones are the enemy of subhumans

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Consistency of real estate evaluation.

Thank you fren, but I wanted one from german-mommy above.

if you like gray flooring you have mental illness

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There's a mental effect that grey basically is caused by people with bleak outlooks while colors are positive.

If your house doesn’t look like picrel you are a soulless faggot

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It's just the current flipper trend. I hate those fucking gray fake wood floors installed over the carpet. Like how everyone had travertine tile in the 2000s.
Am architectural interiors photographer, it's so overdone.

Incandescent everywhere, no (((led))) or (((cfl))). Get bulbs while you still can. They come from based Hungary.

checked and I hate gray floors with a burning passion, only Turks and degenerates would voluntarily do that to themselves

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L.E.D goyim lights.

50% more kvetch for schlomo the lightbulb-salesman kike.

the biggest crime is that flippers are taking decent looking afforadable middle class homes, slapping gray vinyl plank tile down and painting all the trim irreversibly white, and then slapping an extra $100K on the price tag.

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Somewhat reasonable to be fair but a little dark.

hate those faggot yellow lightbulbs when i'm trying to read my bible or something. seems much easier with the bright white lights. kinda wish i had those phillips white hue bulbs though so i could switch it up sometimes and go for the yellows sometimes.

The Jew fears the skylights

I was watching some home reno show in passing and thought this just today. The wife wanted grey laminate to "highlight" their grey and white cabinets and then it shot to them painting their walls grey after the commercial break.

>fake wood floors installed over the carpet
Lel was?

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One of them is banging Zooey deschanel and I have always been so sure they were gay

They don't even take it the carpet, just snap the 'floating' floor together over it. Good luck when you spill something, instant mold

victorian is GOAT. I like art deco too, but that's as modern as I can go. tudor is also great.

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