This fucking guy

What's his endgame?

Attached: Pope Francis.jpg (640x917, 85.54K)

I don't think he has one. I'm pretty sure he's just a politician. Sort of a dog catches car situation

he’s had enough of the black nobility and Jewish influence in the secret societies of Christianity (jesuits, perverted modern masons)

he is gathering the templars once again, founding a new round table to cast out the sinners in a crusade to end all crusades

Make Neoplatonism viable again, with christians like these in charge who needs julians

To reorganize the earth into the first catholic empire for a safe and secure society.

Attached: Laughing.gif (220x145, 134.54K)

He makes my skin crawl worse than the satanic looking dude before him.

Wait to die instead of step down.

That would be based, but I don't think it's true. The guy mostly doesn't want to preside over a schism and go down in history as just a terrible pope

All about the bank. The great heist is upon us. He just signed an order that all papal accounts should be centralised, in Vaticans own bank.
He's gonna do a runner.

Would be wild, but I really doubt it.

He's an apologist for Orthodoxy.
By that I mean that his acts make Catholics consider and then covert to EO.

The continued undermining of Catholic morals.

El papa is a Jesuit you midwit.

another user posted this in a previous thread

Attached: 1662317951775060.jpg (719x1037, 240.66K)

Attached: Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank.png (844x2584, 973.95K)

he's a jesuit, their endgame is destroying catholicism from within

He is a Russian operative, his endgame is to lick Nigger feets.

It's actually a good idea. The fact that the vatican's accounting is absolutely fucked allows a lot of shady shit to happen. Unifying the books would help a lot.


Pic related

Attached: Antichrist.png (795x498, 1.14M)

I went to some rural places in Poland recently and saw many beautiful cathedrals, I am starting to understand the whole mother of God thing.

Attached: hell on earth.jpg (500x592, 47.32K)

Can some Catholic bros redpill me on this?
I've heard Mel Gibson believes that this pope is fake, and there hasn't been a real pope since "Vatican 2."
Can somebody give me a qrd?

Basically, some people think that the Pope during Vatican II (where they changed how the Mass was said) was a freemason, and so were most of the Cardinals, so anybody elected pope or made a cardinal after Vatican II is ilegitimate. This is called sedevacantism (the chair-sede- is vacant)

There is also a different conspiracy theory that says that Benedict XVI is still pope