How do we defeat them?

How do we defeat them?

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China won’t be able to, sorry chang

You can’t, globalization is breaking down and the USA is the most capable of surviving it.

>sit back and relax
>do nothing
>america collapses

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Throw healthy food at us.


Cant even defend yourselves from some retards with a knife

We should all join the communist part to accelerate as fast as possible.

you got btfo by a boxcutter arab



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They've defeated themselves

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>super Marine super terror elite ninja stealth nigger warfare double elite master commander nuklear America super Power sea domination master marksman ultra super strong
>lose every time
you suck lol

Lmao who??

Take away their precious blacks that all their entertainment revolves around to break their morale

just ignore and send beer
it's going to collapse anyway.

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sandniggers defeated American super power

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You can’t win a war with rules of engagement. Afghanistan was taken quickly but it’s impossible to hold the nation long term without eradicating the entire population. The USA would then lose the facade of morality used against China and Russia.

zogbot sauté
very tasty with rice

Just sit back

The jews?
Just say 'no' to zog

>Has no morality for using own citizens as casus beli
>Can't kill Brown people because """too many morals""""

Pathetic cope.

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Oh nooo, anything but that.. Hahaha

So you know that?
Your Broccoli Nigger President send you to your death for some oil. Did you know that too?

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The secret to our power is our niggers, take our niggers from us and you will have all the power whilst we shrivel away. Do it, Chang