UK Live Births Dropped by 14%

Live births dropped in England by 14% as of May 2022, and the decline seems to be worsening and not recovering.

Attached: uk_birthd.jpg (1138x811, 393.54K)

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This makes the drop clearer.

Attached: uk_births_2.jpg (774x494, 77.83K)

Good... uhg i mean thats bad. thats really bad fuuug not the Brits.

the germans too

Attached: 1662120742982702.jpg (977x639, 70.47K)

go take a long goose step off a short pier kraut.

The same thing is happening in Germany.

Attached: germany_births.jpg (705x697, 120.53K)

Attached: 736.png (500x500, 237.72K)

Would be interesting to see if there's also a rise in defects and mongs in those live births.

Attached: Cheers_nibba.png (600x800, 308.16K)

They have recovered in Germany, so I expect the same thing in UK, too.

fuck you shill

no they haven't

And those 14% are all whites lol

exact same thing in germany and everywhere else the MRNA vax is being used, but media ignores it so it's not really happening in normies' minds

lol, faggot

the Q2 numbers are out and they're the same as Q1, it's literally the vax harming reproduction but normies are so stupid they have no idea because muh news isn't telling them lmao

they haven't recovered at all you stupid fuck
I was looking at the numbers for Germany less than 24 hours ago and apr/may/jun were the same as the first three months of the year

Now read the UN convention on genocide. We qualify every metric.
Not a fucking squeak.

No they haven't. You can go to and check for yourself.

Attached: germany_births_2.jpg (761x475, 81.72K)

Aren't mostbirths in January and autumn? People don't birth constantly through the year, most kids are made on holidays.

August I believe

They have recovered in May

Attached: Geburten.jpg (492x385, 27.17K)

Attached: Screenshot_20220904-223117_Chrome.jpg (720x1560, 384.94K)

It makes me glad that, in my area at least, there's a big bunch of 5-10 year olds all over the neighbourhood.

Also this Are the kids that are surviving being born with those black eyes, I wonder?

Attached: k0pw50e6jzk21.jpg (512x766, 49.92K)

Attached: cdcmiscarriage.png (598x588, 231.32K)

So far the most affected seem to be your fellow sandniggers.

vax is working as intended

1 in 5 vaxxed women have children that survive in all of the studies. It will get much worse. And this isn't counting the gene mutated black sclera golem baby that does survive.

Attached: IMG_20220903_002455_397.jpg (1022x1280, 128.16K)

People have more children in the midst of economic uncertainty, so it's probably even worse.