Who the fuck started the goyslop meme?

Pretty sure its a glownigger operation. Theres literally nothing wrong with eating McDonalds etc. Fast food is white food. Theres nothing wrong with eating burgers. Its tasty, easy to cook and efficient. Thats what being white is about

Any Forums can't refute this

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>nothing wrong

>fast food is white food
oh no

>Theres literally nothing wrong with eating McDonalds etc. Fast food is white food. Theres nothing wrong with eating burgers

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All three are ok to eat. You are uneducated.

Found the fat faggot

Yea maybe when the fat was beef tallow not goy bean oil.
Thats why its goy slop. None of the food is normal anymore. Problem isnt that it was fast or sold by a business. Maybe learn what the memes actually are before starting counter ops you faggot.

Gtfo off our board tranny
These psyops are just getting obnoxious at this point but fast food meme is better than the usual race or sex onez

goyslop is an organic meme. Just a way to joke about fast food being shit.

not at all, not even the joke.

Yeah OP is some globohomo shill

Your food, your media and everything you consume if being cut down and deteriorated to make you as dumb and weak as possible.

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>t. Fatfag who lives and breathes timmies and mcdicks

What's the point in such lame fucking bait posts?

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what the fuck is this?

>Fast food is white food
Okay Mutt
White food is proper cooked food, worst if you're some mutt trash is a properly made burger. Even then a nigger like you thinks of goyslop rather then an actual burger

you are both a leaf and a tripfag, your opinion doesn't count


A glowie who thinks anyone who criticizes McAmerica is an enemy lol

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You're a fuckin cunt

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>Theres literally nothing wrong with eating McDonalds
Shitburgers destroy your health and make you fat.