Hate to be spoonfed but what is the effectiveness of VPNs in regards to privacy or is it just to get cheaper online purchases?

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Assume you have no privacy.

I already do but I don't want to make it easy for the alphabet boys or my ISP

define privacy.
do you mean shitposting on 4keks?
do you mean people knowing you watch pron and as result they send you onahole ads?
or do you mean like industrial espionage stuff?

>Hate to be spoonfed but what is the effectiveness of VPNs in regards to privacy
You can hide from websites etc but thats not going to fool glow niggers

there's three levels of privacy.

1. absolutely none like most people and government anybody can fuck you up

2. half privacy (with a vpn) where only your vpn or the government can fuck you up

3. complete privacy where nobody can fuck you up

You won't get #3 type privacy

really, the only use they have is connecting multiple networks together via site-to-site VPN. other than that, it's gay. it's supposed to encrypt your data in transit to prevent man-in-the-middle style attacks. but the whole idea goes out the window when the VPN provider is the one looking at your data

yeah better off using proxy chains or something if you want to try to hide your identity without using tor.

So either a direct honeypot or a second hand honeypot?

What exactly are you asking, OP?

Your internet provider sees everything you search. The website you browse sees your IP and stores data based on what you look at (aka a "cookie"). A VPN hides your internet browsing from your provider and it also confuses the website that is trying to store your data.

As for criminal activities, a VPN protects you from being charged with pirating because your internet provider cannot report you. Other than that, feds can track you down easily using various fingerprinting methods which is so tedious you have to ask Any Forums for advice. As long as you're not a terrorist or pedophile, a VPN is probably all you really need in terms of privacy.

yep, only choice you have now days.

All your traffic goes through a single chokepoint so it's not like it makes you more anonymous or anything. The VPN provider knows exactly who you are and will still log everything you do and hand it over to the glowies the second they're required to

you should probably use an institutional one.
the most popular vpn was started by a scam company and is based out of ((you know where))

>yeah better off using proxy chains or something if you want to try to hide your identity without using tor.

fuck that not even. You seriously doing something important enough that you need guaranteed security and anonymity?

start planning out roads and shit and getting a hold of a vehicle you can shake and isn't attached to you and jump on some random wifi hotspot do your shit than get the fuck out of there and don't go back there for a while.

This is mostly false. Change your DNS to cloud flare and use Firefox. That’s your starting point then expand from there. Also android phones are a huge honeypot, swallow your pride and gat an iPhone if you care about privacy

>Also android phones are a huge honeypot, swallow your pride and gat an iPhone if you care about privacy
Lmao even

iPhone does not care about privacy. They can view your photos/videos at any time and will report anything illegal to feds. They also use contract tracing similar to Android. The other stuff you mentioned is also unnecessary. Refer to this guide.

both wrong

this one gets it.

komplett nikkertum.
uncle adi is disappointed

The only effective use of a VPN is for 1) illegal torrenting to protect yourself from your ISP, 2) changing servers for Netflix/some other region-locked service, or 3_ to protect you from hackers when the website you're connecting to doesn't allow an https connection

>The only effective use of a VPN is for 1) illegal torrenting to protect yourself from your ISP
Inb4 retards claim it only happens when seeding

If you have to put your privacy in the hands of someone else you can never be safe. You can make it hard for them but if a powerful government wanted to find you I don't know if you could ever be 100% safe from them